Chapter 17| Christmas Shinanigans

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I know it's not Christmas Day but I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New year. Just letting you know that I will be updating a few Christmas & New Years chapters this next week x

Comment your thoughts throughout!❤️❤️

Time jump to mid December

The bell rang for lunch and I ran into Killian's classroom at a good pace. The moment I walked in I was greeted with his loving arms and my favourite cologne. "Do you want to stay for lunch my love?" He questioned as he snuggled his nose into my hair. "Yeah, why not. It's the last day of school after all" I whispered back.

Finally, nearly Christmas break! It has been a pretty crazy semester but has been perfect in so many ways. Mine and Killian's relationship has grown massively. Although neither of us had said 'I love you', I had this feeling in my gut that the words were just around the corner. And honestly I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared to say it. I knew that my feeling for him were crystal clear but the thought of saying the words aloud made it all the more real. Most couples wouldn't overthink it like us, but we aren't just a normal couple. He is my teacher. I mean obviously I don't see him like that but everyone else obviously would. If anyone was to find out he was sure to be thrown in jail and never get a job again, and I didn't want to feel the guilt if that did happen, as selfish as it sounds.

"Love? Love?" He dragged out as he waved his hand in front of my face. "Hmm" I mumbled, snapping out of my trance. "Your phones ringing, you got lost in your thoughts again" He laughed. Before handing me my phone. I took it from him and grabbed his hand with my free one. "Hello Dad!" I cheered down the phone, both me and Killian instantly smiling. "Hey my princess! Look I can't stay on long but my mom told me to call you. I'm so so sorry princess, I won't be home for Christmas. There's huge plans and preparation for a big mission coming up. I'm not allowed to leave. I'm so sorry that I won't be there but I promise you I will FaceTime you Christmas morning." His voice cracked as he was explaining himself. I sighed wearily, holding back any tears as a lump formed in my throat. "I-it's okay D-Dad. It f-fine, me and m-mom will miss you but do w-what y-you have to do, just s-s-stay safe for me. I love you dad" I said as calmly as possible, avoiding any tears. I had to be strong right now. "I love you too princess, I'll call you tomorrow or soon. Bye" He whispered before ending the call.

I kept the phone to my ear, wishing he would come back. "Emma?" Killian asked, taking note of my serious expression. "You alright love?" He asked when he saw a tear escape my eye as I looked down at our joined hands. I heard him stand up and I was greeted with his arms wrapping around my shoulders. "Hey, come on," He said as he wiped away my tear with his thumb. He pulled me up onto my feet so he could hold me better. "What's wrong my love?" He whispered again before I stopped my tears and put on a brave face. "My dad, he's umm, err not going to be h-home for c-c-Christmas" I stuttered into his chest as his hand ran up and down my back.

"I'm so sorry love. I know it it must be hard. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" He said frantically as he pulled me closer to his chest then I thought was possible. I could hear in his voice that he felt a little bit guilty so I pulled away from him and looked deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. I raised my hand to his cheek; my thumb tracing along the small scar on his right cheek. "Hey it's fine, just I little disheartening that's all. And of course you should have asked me. I trust you and you know I would tell you the truth right?" I whispered as I continued to repeatedly trace his scar. "Of course, I'm sorry. I should have known better." He said as his forehead fell onto mine, our noses pressed together.

"Where'd you get the scar?" I asked, completely changing the subject. "Oh, umm, just did it when I was a kid I guess" He laughed it off. Before placing his hand at the back of my head and bringing me back to his chest. "It's all going to be okay" he whispered when he felt me shake a little bit.

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