Feet and hand headcannon

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Shiro secretly has super cold feet,  and no matter how hard he tries they stays like that. He's actually worried that he won't ever get married because of it.

Keith has super warm feet and hands, probably because he's so active. However, because no one is that close to him, everyone assumes he has cold feet.

Lance has very warm hands and slightly cold feet. Part of the reason some girls fall for his pickup lines is because he holds their hands and they're really warm.

Hunk is just warm all over. He's kind of like a huggable, warm marshmallow. A-grade cuddle partner.

Pidge has extremely cold hands and feet, mainly because the most physical activity they do is sitting around on computers and such.

Matt's hands and feet are basically whatever temperature the room is. It's kind of weird, actually. No matter what the temperature is, his hands are always the same.

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