When You Die {Preference}

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A/n: I did this because I was bored and wanted to write angst. So here! *shoves angst in face* enjoy!

Shiro would probably try to stay strong for everyone else, but then break down every night. He would hold his pillow and just sob. He thinks the others don't hear him, but they do. They want to help, but don't know how.

Lance would basically have a mental break down and struggle to believe that you’re really gone. He would probably sit in his room staring at a picture of you and him together while holding one if your shirts close to him.

Keith would just be furious and blame himself. He would go into full on rage; yelling, flipping tables, throwing things. Once he's more calm, he would probably go to the training deck and just train for hours on end. Everyone would be scared and or worried about him. Mostly because they don't want him to hurt himself.

Hunk would probably disconnect himself from everyone else; staying in his room think over everything you did together and all the fun times you had. After a few days he would go out and just cook a ton, sometimes purposely burning things just for the smell.

Pidge would drown out everything and just focus on their work/experiments; building robots, programming stuff, and enhancing the green lion. They'd say they’re fine, but everyone knows they're not. After a few days of no sleep and just staring at a screen, they'd break down and pass out.

Matt would basically seclude himself in his room, surrounding himself in your stuff along with pictures of you and him together. He'd stay alone for a few days, weeks even, before leaving and talking to Pidge. Venting to her and just crying his eyes out.

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