Preference Personalities

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This is just a lil' potato-sized bit of info about the characters for the preference's personalities. Note that this is the personalities, not how you met.

Preference Personalities

After having been stuck as a Galra prisoner, you’ve been a bit reserved and shy, but after the paladins earned your trust you became a bit more outgoing. Although you trust them, you still flinch when anyone tries to touch you. Including your younger brother Lance.

Being as sweet as you are, no one would expect you to hang around Keith so much. Despite being polar opposites, you being sweet, innocent, kind, and just a little cinnamon roll in general, him being… well, Keith, you seem to get along pretty well. Though he does sometimes make you mad because he always pushes you away.

At a first glance, people seem to just assume you're shy and nerdy. That's actually not you at all (though you are a bit nerdy at times). You're actually very outgoing and love sports.  When Lance first used a pickup line on you (a bad one, I might add), you said one right back.

Despite being Matt’s twin sister (not identical, but still twins), you were nothing alike. While he was brilliant and nerdy, you were brilliant and sporty. You were popular at the Garrison, despite not wanting to be and being more antisocial/reclusive. People always wanted to be around you because your family went missing so you were “famous”. You hated not having any real friends because of it, so when Hunk didn't know who you were, you knew he was a keeper.
Extra: despite all the help you get from Hunk, you can't even cook ramen noodles.
Pidge and you are sass royalty. If someone is rude to you two or anyone you know, you give them very colourful (and offensive) pieces of your minds. As Hunk’s younger sibling, people seem to expect you to be a cinnamon roll like him, but you're far from it. You're fearless, sassy, and can't cook for your life. You and Pidge are peas in a pod.

Despite being Lances twin sister, you're polar opposites. You like books, are  extremely smart, and are far beyond being just antisocial. Matt was one of your few friends at the Garrison, so when he went missing you couldn't stand it. You ended up becoming so quiet, you were almost selectively mute. You only spoke when in simulators – if you didn't you would get in trouble, so…

Imma just see what y'all can infer about the personalities from that. Enjoy my crap piece of artwork!

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