Traditions {Keith}

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A/n: Enjoy more of my short and shitty writing!

You and Keith are engaged, but you've been faking that you enjoy all the same stuff he does.

Keith x Reader [Modern AU] {Traditions}

•3rd POV•

You sit in the arm chair, knees pulled to your chest. Allura walks in the room with Keith trailing behind her. Keith walks to you and pulls something from his pocket. He holds it to you, a light blush on his face. "Here." You take the item from his hand and find it's a large oyster shell. The mother-of-pearl glistens in the light. You smile, and so does Keith. "I wanted something to remember this place by, and when I saw that I thought of you." The young man says. You get out of the chair and hug him tightly. "Thank you, Keith." You let him go "Keith... I need to tell you something." He nods and sits down, you join him as Allura leaves. "Keith... I haven't been telling the whole truth. I don't... I don't like your horror movies, or pop music, or new books. I just acted like I did because I really wanted you to like me. I'm sorry. I'm not the girl you fell in love with." You look down. "Do you remember our first date?" You look up "We went to a beach."

Two teenagers walk down the beach at dusk, side by side. They see a large group of crabs scrambling over each other to get to the ocean.

"There were crabs everywhere, they were going back to the ocean after mating. You looked at me before leaving my side and going to the crabs."

The girl leaves the boy's side and approaches the crustaceans. She bends down and picks one up in her hands and takes it to the ocean, dropping it in the water. She goes back and picks up another one, repeating the process.

"You started picking up crabs, and one by one put them back in the ocean. I watched you a bit before saying-"

"You know you can't save them all, right?" The boy asks. The girl simply turns to him, a crab in her hands, and says "I know," She takes the crab and places it in the water "-but I can save this one." She goes back and gets another one "and this one." She puts it in the water. She goes back and grabs another one, putting it in the water and saying it again. "and this one." She grabs another and places it safely in the water "and this one." The boy just smiles as he watches her. Soon after, he begins helping her.

"That was the girl I fell in love with." Keith states before grabbing you and pulling you into a hug. You sniffle lightly before hugging back, tears going down her face. You look up at Keith and laughs "W-well. Thank God for those crabs." she says.

After that, (Y/n) and Keith made it a tradition to go every year and help crabs get back to the ocean

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