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So uh I haven't updated this in quite a while and I honestly don't plan to. The fandom has gotten so toxic so the show is kinda ruined for me. I probably won't ever update this again so yeah. Maybe a few oneshots if I ever get the motivation to write them but other than that don't expect much. Thank you to the people that voted and put this in their libraries, it means a lot to me.

In other words if you (for some unknown reason) want to read more of my writing I have two BNHA oneshots posted (very shitty, I'm sorry) and I plan on (hopefully) writing more of them and I have an x reader in the making for Kuroo Teturou from Haikyuu!! in the making (prey to whatever god(s) you believe in that I'll finish it someday) so yeah. Sorry for all this shit.

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