Tomorrow {Matt}

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Matt x Reader {Tomorrow}

High school AU

《3rd POV》

Matt watched player number (f/n) as she races across the field, (h/c) hair flowing. She captures the ball with her feet and dribbles it to the goal. She kicks it past the goalie and grins, arm pumping as she has earned the winning goal for her team. She jogs to the bench and grabs a (f/c) water bottle, taking a swig before dumping the last sixth on her head to cool down. She and all the other team members along with the coach line up and walk across the field to meet the other team. They hold their hands to the side and give each other mini high-fives saying “Good game.” to each other. Matt inwardly laughs. He and everyone else know how bad the game really was. Volition High’s team, the Paladins, had won 17-4. It’s another game towards the championship. VHS has won every year since (Y/n) joined the soccer team. Matt continues to watched the players, well, player. The entire game Matt had his eyes glued to (Y/n). However, since the game was over, Katie, or “Pidge” as Matt likes to call his sister, is waving her hand in front of the sandy-haired boy’s face. This causes him to not only snap out of his stupor, but also fall off the bleachers. Pidge laughs “Wow Matt, I knew you like her but I didn't know you fell for her.” Pidge teases. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want. Just please don't say that out loud again.” Matt insists as he stands up, brushing off his butt. Pidge laughs again “Come on my strange love-struck brother, it's time to go home.” she says. Matt sighs and walks side-by-side with his sister to their waiting parents.

《(Y/n)’s POV》

I look up to see Matt and Katie leaving then look back to my teammates. “I'm gonna go now, ‘kay guys?” I tell them. “Aw, c’mon (Y/n)! We're gonna go get pizza and hangout!” Brandon, the goalie, whines. “Yeah (Y/n)! Why don't you stop stalking that nerd and hang out with us for once!” Ellie says. “Why do you like him anyway?” asks Amanda. “One, I'm not stalking him. I was just gonna go home.  Two, I don’t like him.” I lie. Everyone raises an eyebrow suspiciously. I just shrug, walk away to my bike, and ride away. When I get home, I drop my bike and enter the house. My parents are gone, as usual, so I can nerd out all I want without them yelling at me or interrupting. My parents want me to be a soccor player in the national leagues, but honestly? I want to be an astronomer. For as long as I can remember I've loved the stars and just space in general, but my parents think that it’s stupid. I guess they want me to be a little more down to earth. The only family member that encourages my love for the cosmos is my mom's sister, aunt Dani. I'm snapped out of my weird narration stupor when I hear a knock at the door. As I'm just about to open the door, I hear a familiar voice. “(Y/n)~” I hear it say. I just groan and walk away from the door, not before locking it though. The voice, better known as Lotor, calls out my name. “Come on! I know you're alone in there~ let me in and maybe we can have some fun~” he calls again. I swear on my life, this boy is worst than Gaston. I'm tempted to just open the door and kick him where it matters, but I'm not that mean. So instead I just put it in the simplest way I can. “I don't like you, fuck off.” I say to the door. I can practically see the shock on his face. “Oh come on, (Y/n), I know you want me~” this time I unlock and open the door and look at his smug little face. “I knew you couldn't hel-” the white-blonde boy is cut off by a swift uppercut with my (d/h) hand. Lotor stumbles back, and lands on his rear. I give him a sickly sweet smile “When I say I don't like you,” my face goes from an innocent girl to a look that could make out vice principal, Mrs. Haggar, cower in fear “I mean it.” I slam the door and walk to my space themed room. My parents may be pushy jerks, but they were willing to at least let me design my own room. I walk to my vent and pull it off to take out my most treasured items: my astronomy book and sketch book. The first item is filled to the brim with facts about space, constellations, and the Greek and Roman myths as to how the constellations appeared. The two inch thick book is priceless to me. The second is an art book that I use to draw constellations, aliens, the Auroras, and decipher the hidden messages in the stars. Because of these two things I have almost every constellation visible from earth memorized along with a few I made myself. I open the astronomy to my bookmark so I can finish reading it… for the fourth time.

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