Forever and Always {Pidge}

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Pidge x Forgotten!Best Friend!Reader {Forever and Always}

≈3rd POV≈

Pidge wanders around the halls of the castle, looking for her best friend. As she comes to (Y/n)’s room, she stops. “Well that's odd.” the paladin mumbles under her breath. The door to the room is wide open, and the usually pigsty-like room is spotless. Pidge enters the room and looks around to find a note on the dresser.

I'm sorry that I have to go this way, and I'm sorry that this will hurt you. I want you to know that you are the best friend I've ever had. If it weren't for you, this would've happened a long time ago. I'm sorry that I did this, but no one notices me anymore. It's been weeks since anyone's even spoken to me. I don't know how long it will take you to find this, but when you do, I'm probably already dead. If you really want to find me, I'm hanging myself on the observance deck. Please don't try to stop me.


Pidge gasps and covers her mouth to stop herself from making any noise. She hadn't realized how long it'd actually been since she and (Y/n) talked. Pidge bolts out the door and down the hall, note in hand. As she makes her way to the bridge, Pidge’s mind is swarming with memories of her and (Y/n). They had been friends since they were little, and they even enrolled in the Garrison together.

Two young girls sit side by side in front of a computer. “See? I told you this command is easy.” says one. “It's still hard for me… but I understand it a bit better. Thanks Pidgey!” said the other. “(Y/n)! I thought I told you not to call me that!” says the one nicknamed ‘Pidgey'. The other girl just snickers “Exactly.”

Pidge and (Y/n) sit in class next to each other as the teacher talks. Pidge stands up and corrects her, (Y/n) stands as well and helps in the explanation. All the kids in the class laugh and point. “Nerds!” they taunt. At home, Pidge and (Y/n) sulk. Matt comes in with two slices of cake to cheer them up. He tells them some encouraging words before telling them the good news of him making it into the Garrison. (Y/n) and Pidge shout exclamations of happiness. “We'll study as hard as we can! Then we can be in the Garrison too!” Pidge shouts. (Y/n) nods in agreement then joins her friend in studying.

“Pidge hurry up! Someone's coming!” (Y/n) whisper-shouts. Just as she finishes her sentence, strong hands grab the back of her and Pidge’s shirts. “You two? Ugh. Get out. I'll make sure you two never set foot in here again.” the man throws Pidge and (Y/n) out the door. Pidge looks at her friend “It wasn't a piloting error.”

Pidge and (Y/n) look up at the large building before them. (Y/n) looks over at Pidge “We did it. We're part of the Garrison.” she says. Pidge nods and looks back at her friend. “Let's go.” she says. The two girls, looking like boys, enter the Garrison.

(Y/n) sits next to Pidge on the roof. “The signals are crazier than ever.” (Y/n) states. Pidge nods “Yeah, I wonder what's going on…” she says. Just then, someone lifts the headphones off their heads. “Listening to music?” a male voice asks. Pidge and (Y/n) jump and turn around to find Lance and Hunk standing there. “What is this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech.” Hunk says. “That's because it's not. We made it.” Pidge says smugly.

Pidge tries to block the memories, tears running down her face. She runs into the bridge, looking for Allura or Coran. She finds the two Alteans along with all the other paladins in the room. “Pidge? What's wrong?” Shiro asks. Pidge ignores his question and looks at Allura “Where's the observance deck?” she asks, urgency in her voice. “Oh, um, it's not far. It's just down the hall from the training room. Did something happen?” Pidge runs out the door without answering and makes her way to the observance deck, everyone else calling after her. Pidge practically breaks down the door when she enters. Pidge looks frantically around the room and see the friend she was raised with, just hanging there. Pidge sobs out. “How can this be fair?” she shouts. Her friends body is pale, and her face bare. Pidge drops to her knees in front of the hanging corpse. The other members of the castle walk in and stare in shock at the scene before them. Pidge slowly stands up and proceeds to take her friend down. Pidge hugs the body close to her and walks down the hall to (Y/n)’s room. She puts her friend's body on the bed. Pidge turns around to see everyone in the doorway. “Pidge…” Lance starts off. Hunk rushes in and hugs Pidge close to his body. Lance and Shiro join soon after along with everyone else. Pidge holds her hand close to her chest where a small locket is hidden underneath her clothes. She closes her eyes and remembers the memory that comes with it.

Young Pidge and (Y/n) sit on Pidge’s bed. (Y/n) pulls something small out of her pocket and holds it out to Pidge “Here, it has a strand of my hair in it. That way, I'll always be with you!” she says.The young girls both smile. Pidge takes the item from her friend's hand and finds a locket. Opening it, Pidge sees that, as promised, a strand of (h/c) hair is curled up inside. The young girl puts the necklace on and holds an almost identical one out to (Y/n). “It has some of my hair in it too! This way, we'll never leave each other!” she says. (Y/n) takes the locket and puts it on. “Best friends forever?” she asks, holding out her pinky finger. Pidge nods and intertwines her pinky with (Y/n)’s. “Best friends forever.” (Y/n) grins “Now, even if I die I'll always be with you! And you'll always be with me!” she exclaims. Pidge nods “Always and forever,” “-Forever and always.” “We'll stick together,” “-We're friends forever.”

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