Sleeping Positions {Preference}

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Shiro would wrap his arms around you in a protective position, as if he's scared you'll be taken. You don't mind him smothering you, as it makes you feel safe.

Keith likes to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head under your chin. He likes this position because you wrap your arms around him and it makes him feel like you won't ever leave him. (Which, of course, you wouldn't.)

Lance and you basically sleep in any position. Sometimes you'll spoon each other, sometimes you'll cuddle, sometimes you'll just lay on top of him. It doesn't really matter to either if you, as long as you're together.

Hunk basically spoons you, always the big spoon. However, because he's kind of like a giant teddy bear, lots of times you'll just fall asleep cuddling.

Pidge and you aren't big cuddlers, and you don't hold each other cheesily as you sleep. Usually you sleep on opposite sides of the bed (if you even decide to sleep in the same room), but sometimes you will fall asleep hugging.

Matt and you usually fall asleep with you hugging each other. You have your head on his chest and he rests his chin on your head. The reason you like to hug him is because it's a reassurance that he's there with you and safe

A/n: Yay! I finally updated! Sorry for taking so long ^^; I'm going to try to post more often though

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