Sunrise {Shiro)

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Soldier!Shiro x Soldier!Reader {Sunrise}

¤3rd POV¤

Everyone's morning routine is different. Some wake up to an alarm clock, some wake up automatically. But not you. Sure, you wake up on your own. But when you wake up, it's far different from what a normal person wakes up to. Every morning at o’ four hundred hours you wake up, you get out of your cot, and get dressed in your uniform. Unlike anyone else at your camp, you wake up before the bugle sounds to train and exercise. Well, you were the only one until he showed up. You and Shiro somehow always woke up at the exact same time. Every day he would ask you the same thing “Would you like to train with me?” and every day you replied “No.” This morning routine has been going on for the past six months.

One morning, the black haired male asks you again “Would you like to train with me?” you're about to shoot him down once again, but you pause before sighing. “If I train with you in the mornings, will you at least leave me alone during the day?” you ask. He nods “Sure.” you sigh before joining him as he lowers himself to the floor for push-ups.

After that morning, he would always ask a single question about you. It started off with simple things, like “What's your favourite colour?” and things like that. After you answered, he would always tell you his answer to the question. After about two weeks, he would ask slightly more personal things. Like “Where's your hometown?” and he even asked when your birthday is. Around that time, you started spending time with him a bit more willingly. If he's going to bother getting to know you and not leave you alone, why not return the ‘favour'? So, you began to ask him questions of your own. You slowly started letting down your walls, and being more open with him.

One night, Shiro found you on the roof of the barracks, staring up at the night sky. Even Shiro usually wasn’t up at this hour (around o’ two hundred hours) so he was slightly surprised to find you there. Just as he was about to ask what you were doing, you spoke up. “I couldn't sleep.” the sudden break in the silence startled Shiro, causing him to jump. You chuckle as he sits next to you, then look back up at the speckled void. “I like to come up here when I have nightmares. Looking at the stars gives me a sense of peace, y'know?” Shiro hums, his eyes on you. He shifts his gaze to the oblivion above him and studies it. The silence lasts a while before you break it. “When I was little, my parents fought a lot, so I could never sleep. Every time I woke up, I would leave the house, walk to my neighbor's, and climb onto their roof. I would lay there for hours and just stare at the stars, hoping that someday I could join them. I memorized constellations and made my own. Now, when I look at the sky, I can't find them.” Shiro turns to you “Maybe I can change that.” he says. He looks back up at the sky and starts to point out constellations to you, connecting the dots with his finger. You smile and begin to point out some yourself. After a bit, you both let your arms rest and just lay on your backs. The beginning of the sunrise cause the sky to darken. “It's strange how something so beautiful can be so empty.” You say quietly, the dark sky soon lighting as the sun peeks above the horizon. “Yeah. It's a void of nothing, but also full of mysteries to be solved.” Shiro replies. You look over at the man and think to yourself ‘Maybe he isn't so bad…’ and with that, the two of you stand and walk back inside, a peach and rose sunrise behind you.

A/n: this is so terrible and short I'm sorry
I haven't been posting much I'm so sorry
Also I'm working on the Galra Keith request, I promise. I'm lacking in the inspiration department and have been really busy lately. I had this one started a while ago so yeah
I'm hopefully going to update more soon and I want to write some full on books along with oneshots for other fandoms (probably just BNHA and PJO/HoO)


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