Realization {Lance}

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A/n: in this, the reader is very dense and can't seem to realize Lance actually likes her. Also, reader was Hunks assistant in the Garrison. I know they don't have that but please roll with it-
Also, she wears overalls with a T-shirt under it.

Lance x Oblivious!Reader {Realization}

</3rd POV>

Lance looks at the female as she rambles on about the planet they just visited. Her (h/c) hair bounces as she continues to talk. "-and did you see all the different plant life?! It was so cool!" (Y/n) looks at the Cuban before her and realizes he was just staring off into space. Literally, he was looking out the window. She waves a hand in front if his face. "You okay there Sharpshooter? You really spaced out for a tick." Lance chuckles lightly at the pun and replies "Yeah I'm fine. Hey (Y/n), do you have a map?" He asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. (Y/n) tilts her head in a confused manner "No, why?" "Because I keep getting lost in your eyes." He answers with his signature flirty smirk. (Y/n) blushes slightly and laughs "Oh my gosh, Lance." She smiles, shaking her head and waves to him, turning around "I'm gonna go. See ya when I do, Lance!" She calls as she walks away. Lance sighs and mutters under his breath. "Something getting to you?" Said a familiar voice. Lance turned around "Hey, Shiro." He said tiredly. "So, what's wrong?" Asked the black paladin. "It's (Y/n). No matter how hard I try, she doesn't seem to realize that I actually like her." Shiro hummed in thought. "Have you done something other than flirting with her? Maybe just helping her out with small stuff and being gentlemanly towards her would help." Lance's face lights up "That's brilliant Shiro!" He exclaims. He starts to run down the corridor "Thanks for the advice!" He calls as he runs.

</Time skip: 1 varga>

Lance enters the kitchen to see you after about an hour of searching. "Hey (Y/n)! I've been looking for you!" He says. (Y/n) looks at him shocked "You-you have?" She asks. Lance nods "I wanted to see if you needed help with anything." The Cuban states. (Y/n) nods "Actually, yes. The dishes need done and the food goo tubes need fixed and cleaned. Could you wash dishes while I fix?" The assistant mechanic asks. Lance nods and walks to the Altean equivalent of a sink and starts the dishes. (Y/n) walks to the food goo tubes and pulls out some Altean tools from a hatch to the bottom right. Taking out the first tube, she grabs a tool along the lines of a screwdriver and starts working, her mind racing at what Lance said. 'He was looking for me just to see if I needed help? Why? Probably just wanted to be a good friend.' Meanwhile Lance wonders if maybe his plan was working. After about thirty minutes of cleaning and fixing, the two teens are finished. (Y/n) turns around to face Lance, a little bit of oil smudged in her cheek. Lance blushes a bit at how cute she looks. "Thanks for helping Lance! That went way faster than it would've if I were alone." The (h/c) haired girl says. Wiping her hands together, (Y/n) starts towards the door, Lance following in suit. "I'm gonna go to my room so I can clean up before dinner." She states, walking in that direction. Lance jogs to catch up and walks by her side "I'll walk you." He says with a kind smile. "By the way, you look really cute with that oil on your face." He compliments. (Y/n) blushes lightly and gives him a close-eyed smile "Thanks Lance!" Soon after, they arrive at (Y/n)'s room. "I'll see you later, Lance. Thanks again for the help!" She says as she enters her room. Lance nods, "No problem. If you need help with anything else, just ask." (Y/n) nods and closes the door. Lance just smiles to himself as he walks down the hall to his own room.

</Time skip: morning; breakfast>

Lance gets to breakfast just before (Y/n). As she goes to her chair, Lance quickle pulls it out for her “Ladies first.” He says charmingly. (Y/n) smiles “Thanks Lance!” She sits down and Lance pushes her chair in for her. He goes to sit down, not noticing the light blush on her face. ‘Why is he being so nice?’ she asks herself. Pidge, who found out about the whole “Lance being a gentleman to get (Y/n) to realize he likes her” spiel because of eavesdropping, smiles as she watches her ship get closer to sailing.

</Time skip: after training>

(Y/n) walks out of the training room with a blush dominating most of her face.

(Y/n) was having trouble defeating the gladiator when Lance approached. “Hey (Y/n), need some help?” she nodded shyly. Lance smiles “Okay, here’s how you do it.” He said then proceeded to demonstrate how to win. (Y/n) tries again after him and does slightly better, but still can't beat it. “Here, how about we practice hand-to-hand instead?” Lance suggests. (Y/n) nods silently and gets in sparring position. Lance looks at her form “Okay, move your hands up just below your eyes, to protect your face.” He corrects, moving her hands to the right spot. “There, now spread your legs, but not too far apart. Make sure your dominant leg is in the back and that your weight is the same on both legs.” He says, moving her legs to the right spot. He continues to correct her form, give advice on how to hold her fists, how to punch, kick, etc. The whole time (Y/n) was blushing at their close proximity. Eventually, Lance decides she's ready to spar him. During their fight, Pidge comes in and sees it as the perfect opportunity. She uses her bayard and trips (Y/n),causing her to fall on top of Lance and them to almost kiss. Pidge takes a picture before retracting her bayard and running out. (Y/n) and Lance both blushed furiously as (Y/n) scrambled to get off him. “I-I think we're done for today.” Lance said hurriedly. (Y/n) nodded quickly in agreement and rushes to the door, the blue paladin following.

(Y/n) blushes more at the memory and rushes to her room. Meanwhile Lance was quietly making his way to his own room. ‘That did not go as planned, but it still went really well. I wonder if she did that on purpose…” he asks himself.

</Time skip: 1 week>

After dinner, Pidge pulls (Y/n) to the side and waits for everyone everyone leave. “What's wrong, Pidge?” (Y/n) asks. Pidge puts her hands on the (e/c) eyed female’s shoulders and holds her at arm length. Looking her dead in the eye, Pidge asks (Y/n) the question she's been dying to ask. “Whats going on with you and Lance.” She demands. (Y/n) shrugs “Nothing. We're just friends. Although, he has been a lot more nice than usual…” (Y/n) trails off, raising a hand to her chin. Pidge lets go an facepalms. “(Y/n) you idiot! Lance has been being nice to you in hopes of you realizing he likes you!” The sandy-haired paladin exclaims. (Y/n) shakes her head “That can't be it. Why would he like me back?” She says. Pidge smirks “Back, eh? So our dense little (Y/n) has a crush?” She asks mischievously. “N-no! What a-are you talking ab-bout?! I never said anything about that!” (Y/n) denies with a blush dominating her face. “The blush on your face says otherwise. I knew (s/n) would sail!” Pidge says while jumping up and down. She stops “Oh,  and I overheard-” “You mean eavesdropped?” “Same thing! Anyways, I was listening to Shiro and Lance talking and I heard Lance say he liked you!” (Y/n) looks at her skeptically. “Are you sure?” “Positive!” (Y/n)’s (e/c) eyes wide as the realization hits her. Lance hadn't been gentlemanly to anyone but her! Not even to Allura! “Oh my gosh Pidge, you're right! I'm so quiznacking stupid!” She shouts before running out to find Lance.

</Time skip: 1 hour>

After an hour of looking, (Y/n) goes into the lion’s hangar to find Lance sitting with Blue. “Hi Lance.” The tanned boy looks up “Oh, hi (Y/n).” He says back, albeit a bit sad. (Y/n) notices and sits next to him and lays her head on his shoulder. “I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner, Lance.” She says sadly. Lance looks at her confused,  what did she not realize? (Y/n) lifts her head up and pecks his cheek quickly before laying her head back down on his shoulder, hoping he didn't see the blush on her face. “I like you too Lance.” (Y/n) states. Lance’s eyes widen. “I didn't realize that you were trying to get me to notice you. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.” The girl says, looking down. Lance puts his hand on her chin and lifts her head up to look at him. He kisses her softly before pulling always and holding her close. “But you're my idiot.” He says, smiling.


Pidge grins maliciously as she takes pictures of Lance and (Y/n). She then runs out of the hanger to her room snickering

A/n: Whew! 1,553 words not including the a/n at the beginning. I hope y'all enjoyed, and if you see any mistakes please tell me! Until next time, yoiichinichiwo and anata ni sanji.

PS. Sorry if this is complete crap ^^;

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