Empty Bottles {Shiro}

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A/n: I'm sorry I know I need to update more I have a slight writers block and I've been a bit busy with all my school plus I have to move (again) and my dad's health has been all over the place so.... yeah. Anyway have some more angst!
Ps. Sorry it's so short TwT


I care about each and every one of you and have/am struggled/ing with these kinds of things. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. I've dealt with this myself, so please, talk to me if you need and or want.

Shiro x Reader {Empty Bottles}

《3rd POV》
A girl lays curled up on her bed. The room is dark, hiding the peeling paint and crumbling roof in shadows. Two voices are heard: a women and a man. They're fighting. The girl curls into herself, holding back sobs. Why were they fighting? Why wouldn't they stop? These voices that once soothed the girl to sleep now keep her from resting. A crash is heard along with a scream and more yelling. The girl covers her ears, trying to block out the noise of the bottle being smashed against the wall. Yelling, yelling, why wouldn't they stop yelling? The voices slowly fade out as the girl falls asleep, slipping into dreams of better times.

“(Y/n)! I did it! I made it into the Garrison!” a voice shouts. It comes from a boy, probably around seventeen. He's running to a girl, waving a paper in the air. “@&849, that's amazing!” the girl says, but the boy's name turns to static. “When do you start?” she asks excitedly. “I start in September!” he answers. The girl is grinning, and, though his face seems to be blurred out, it's evident the boy is too. Time speeds up and the girl and boy are seen facing each other. The girl hugs the boy “I'm gonna miss you while you're gone…” she says sadly. “I know, I'll miss you too. But I'll come back. I promise.” Time speeds up again, this time stopping on a tv screen with the News channel blaring. “All of the members of the Kerberos Mission are presumed dead.” the news lady states. The girl is on her knees, sobbing into her hands. “He promised!” she cries out. Everything starts to fade to black, leaving the broken girl behind.

The girl wakes up crying. Although his name and face were seemingly blurred out, the girl knows the man in her dream - no, memory - was her best friend, Takashi Shirogane. The day that Shiro was reported dead was the day the girl's life fell apart. Shiro had been her anchor, the one thing that kept her going and helped her endure her parent's abuse and neglect. No, not physically abused. Not often anyway. Emotional abuse. The girl is sure they didn't mean to, but their fighting and yelling affected her greatly. The girl is snapped out of her daze by the sound of glass breaking. Again, an empty bottle.The girl slowly gets out of bed and peeks out her door. The coast is clear. She quietly exits her room and sneaks down the hallway. The girl steps into the kitchen and looks for some food. She grabs an apple before quietly rushing back to her room. She sits on her bed and stares at the apple. ‘I miss Shiro…’ she thinks. Suddenly, her thoughts are invaded by another voice. ‘You can see him if you want. He's dead right? All you have to do is die too!’ the girl thinks about it. It does make sense. Besides, her parent won't care, and no one else really knew her. The girl looks at her hands before clenching them into fists. She stands up, half eaten apple forgotten on her bed, and walks out of the room. She walks towards the garage and enters. Rope… rope… she spots an extension cord and grabs it before walking back inside to her room. She looks up at the deteriorating roof, trying to find a beam or something else she can tie the cord to. She spots a patch of roof where the drywall has crumbled and a beam is visible. It's a little ways away from the corner of her bed. Not the ideal spot, as it's difficult to reach, but the girl will take what she can. The girl stands up on her bed and reaches over to tie the cord around the beam. After a few tries and falling off the bed once or twice, the cord is  securely tied. The girl wraps said cord around her neck and fastens it so that it'll tighten when pulled. She then looks around the room, taking it in one last time before she dies. She takes a breath and exhales as she jumps off her bed. She feels a slight burn as her air supply is cut off. Things begin to blur, then everything goes black, and she drifts off into eternal sleep.

Sobbing is heard. Two parents stand in front of their daughter's body. It swings lightly back and forth. A thump is heard, something has been dropped by the father.

Another empty bottle.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed! Should I do a part 2 where Shiro comes back and finds out what happened or no?

769 words

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