Safe {Shiro}

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Shiro x Prisoner!Reader {Safe}

~3rd POV~

You shake and sit up to check your clock. 2:46. You sigh and lay back down. You've been getting night terrors every night since the paladins rescued you. Heck, you've had them since before then. You wipe the remaining tears from your face “It's okay. You're safe. You're okay.” You mumble to yourself, trying to go back to sleep without crying. It doesn't work. The tears flow down your face as you remember everything they did to you.

A young girl lays strapped to a table. Someone in a dark hood enters, though the girl cannot see. The witch enters the girl's eyesight and she glares. “Haggar.” She spits out the name like poison. The witch grins wickedly. “Yes, child. Welcome to the Galra Empire.” she rasps. The girl spits at Haggar but misses. Haggar scowls “Is that how you treat your host? How rude.You must be punished.” she states. One of her druids approaches and holds their hands up, sending bolts of electricity into the girl's body. The girl arches her back against her restraints, but does her best to hold in her screams. The druid stops and haggar grins. “You will be an amazing specimen…” she mumbles. The girl’s eyes widen in fear.

~Three weeks.~

The girl is thrown roughly into her cell, body bruised and bloody. She slowly tries to get up before realizing something; there's someone else in her cell. The large alien looks up and grins maliciously before standing up and approaching the weak girl. “Well, aren't you a pretty girl…” he says. The girl tries to back away but the alien continues. Her grabs her hair and pulls it to his nose, taking a breath. “Yes… this with be very enjoyable.” he says. The girl whimpers, unable to do anything.

~Seven months~

The guards open the door to the cell to see their desired test subject in the corner holding her knees. Her previous cellmate is gone, but she still fears anyone who enters her cell. The guards pick her up by her arms to inspect her and see that she is just barely done healing froth last time she returned from the experimentation. They drag her with them down to Haggar for more experiments.

~Four years.~

The human girl leans on the wall of her cell near the door. The guards approach and she looks at them with empty eyes. They understand her message; ‘Let's get this over with.’ the guards smile cruelly “Haggar has something special planned for you.” they say, glancing glancing the carved images of plants on the cell walls. The girl had used the leg of her cot to carve them there. The way she thought, she was adding a little life to the prison by carving the foliage. The guards grin again and walk the girl to the experimentation room where she's strapped to the table. Haggar approaches the prisoner with something in her hands. The witch holds the machine up to confirm the girls suspicions: it's a blade. The witch uses the strange machine-blade and cuts off the girl's left hand. The girl yells out in pain at the burning sensation. The witch finishes then proceeds to cut off the girl's right arm. The girl screams even louder before slowly losing consciousness.

~Ten years.~

After the loss of her arm and hand and having them replaced with Galra tech, the girl was forced to compete in the gladiator ring. The girl started using the glowing purple weapons to carve even more art into her cell walls, door, and ceiling. She had just been designing another flower before hearing a bang. She hears the cells down the hall from her being opened before seeing hers start to as well. She retracts her hand and gets in a defensive position. She sees a man in black and white armour in the doorway. “It's okay, we're here to get you out.” he says. The girl slowly relaxes and the man takes her out to his lion. “I'm Shiro, the black paladin of Voltron.” the girl simply nods in respect. the mechanical lion lands in a castle of some kind. Shiro takes the girl out and meets the other paladins and prisoners.

After Shiro saved you, he offered for you to stay. You of course said yes. That was actually the first time you had spoken since the day you were kidnapped by the Galra. Now, you spoke normally. However, at this moment, the only noise you make is light sobbing. Shiro enters your room quietly to see you crying. You never spoke about what happened during your imprisonment, but he knew it was bad. You had nightmares every night that always made you cry. Shiro walks to your bed and pulls you into his arms. You bury your face in his chest and continued sobbing. Shiro pets your hair and whispers reassuring sentences in your ear. After you finally fall asleep, he kisses the crown of your head softly and whispers “I'll always keep you safe. I promise.”

A/n: Sorry that this is such shitttttt-
It's short and I'm sorry but tried. I actually have a 2000+ word Matt one shot
Song up top was my inspiration

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