Find Me {Pidge}

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A/n this was requested by DaniBlu45 so here ya go!

Pidge x Fem!Reader {Find Me}

/Pidge's POV\

I sighed again as I continued my search through the castle. We all decided to take a break from training, when Lance came up with the idea of playing Hide n’ Seek (he wanted to show Allura and Coran). After a few rounds, I ended up being seeker. I hadn't found anyone yet, even though I'd checked pretty much the entire castle! Statistically speaking, I should've found at least one of the others by now, even if by accident. As I make my way to the control room, I see a shoe disappear around the corner. Smirking, I chase after it. Turning the corner, I find Lance smirking down at me. “Gotcha!” Lance's smirk gets bigger. “What?” I ask. “You may have found me, but have you found (Y/n) yet?” I feel the blush rise to my cheeks, but push it down. Lance's grin gets bigger (somehow) “That's right. I know you like her.” I struggle to keep the blush down. “Try to find her. She has something to tell you~” he says in a sing-song voice before walking away. I run up to him and yank him back “Hey! At least give me a hint!” Lance sighs “I don't know where she is, I just know how to find her. Ask Coran, he might know.” he says before pulling out of my grasp and walking away. I shake my head and start my search for our resident crazy uncle.

/3rd POV\

As Pidge searches the castle for Coran, (Y/n), Keith, Hunk, Shiro, Coran, and Allura are on the observance deck. (Y/n) paces back and forth, venting her worries to the others “What if she doesn't like back!? What if she's not into girls?! What if-” the (h/c) haired girl is cut off by Lance entering the room. “Coran, you're up.” Lance says. The ginger Altean nods “You can count on me, (Y/n)!” He proclaims before running out the door. (Y/n) is about to go back to her rambling but Shiro stops her by putting a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, (Y/n). I'm sure Pidge will reciprocate your feelings.” He reassures the panicking girl. “Yeah, she definitely likes you.” Lance says. The others nod in agreement. (Y/n) takes a deep breath to calm herself “Okay. I'm calm. Thanks for being here guys.” Everyone nods. “Well, I'm gonna go to my room. Tell me how everything turns out.” The cuban says before sauntering out of the room. (Y/n) sits down and waits anxiously for Coran to come back.

/To Pidge\

Pidge runs to the control room, figuring the goofy Altean would likely be there. When she enters, Coran is nowhere to be seen. The green paladin does a quick run around the bridge and finds nothing. As she's about to exit, she spots the ginger down the hall. “Coran!” Pidge shouts. The Altean jumps “Oh quiznack! I've been spotted!” he shouts dramatically. Pidge rolls her eyes and approaches him. “Do you know where (Y/n) is?” The sassmaster asks. “Sorry negative number five! I'm afraid I've been sworn to secrecy!” Coran exclaims, doing some of his strange hand motions. “If you want to find her, maybe you could look for Shiro! He likes to keep track of everyone's whereabouts after all.” Suggests the spunky Altean. Pidge nods “I'll go look for him now.” She states before running down the hall to find him.

/Time skip to finding everyone but Hunk and (Y/n) because I'm lazy and suck d at writing for Pidge\

Pidge simply walks down the halls to the kitchen, exhausted from all her running. By now she's found everyone but Hunk and (Y/n). Allura, the last person she found, said to look for Hunk, and that he would probably be willing to tell. Immediately after entering the kitchen,Pidge spots the lovable paladin. “Hunk!” She exclaims. Hunk looks up from his space goo, humming a “mhm?” As a response. “Do you know where (Y/n) is?” She asks. Hunk starts sweating, swallowing his food “Uhh..” is all the answer she got. Pidge raises a brow “Hunk…” she trails off threateningly. The boy sweat drops. “Okay, okay! She's on the observation deck!” Hunk says. Pidge nods, “Thanks.” Is all she says before bolting down the hall. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was pacing again while the only people who decided to stay, Shiro and Allura, tried to get her to stop. “(Y/n), Pidge will be here any minute now. Just calm down.” Allura says. “Yeah, don't worry. I'm sure Pidge will like you back.” Shiro assures. (Y/n) stops, placing her fist on the palm of her hand. “Okay. I'm gonna do it. Even if the result is us awkwardly interacting with each other for the rest of our lives.” She says with resolve. At that very moment, Pidge burst through the door. “(Y/n)!!” She shouts, causing everyone in the room to jump. Allura and Shiro looks at (Y/n) before leaving the deck. (Y/n) turns to Pidge and takes a deep breath. “H-hi Pidge.” The (e/c) eyed girl stutters. “Hey (Y/n), everyone has been telling me that you had something to tell me.” Pidge replies. (Y/n) nods and takes another deep breath. “Okay, I know you probably won't have the reaction I'm hoping for and I know we're both girls but… Pidge, I… Imayormaynothaveamassivecrushonyou.” (Y/n) says, rushing the last part and looking away. A small blush finds its way to Pidge's cheeks. “Could you say that last part again?” She asks. (Y/n) blushes “I have a crush on you. I completely understand if you don't like me back because we're the same gender. In fact, I understand if you completely and utterly hate me now. Actually, just forget I said anything.” (Y/n) rambles, starting to leave. Pidge stops her.  “Actually, it's quite the opposite, ” She starts, pulling (Y/n) in for a hug “-I like you too.” Pidge finishes before giving (Y/n) a light peck on the lips. “So… will you be my girlfriend?” Pidge asks. (Y/n) pulls away and nods her head vigorously. “Of course!” the (h/c) haired girl exclaims and pulls Pidge in for a short kiss before hugging her tightly. The two smile, not knowing a certain group of friends hiding outside the door heard everything and are now quietly smiling and/or arm pumping.

As (Y/n) and Pidge leave, they open the door to find the others celebrating. “You guys were listening?!” Pidge shouts angrily. All of them sweatdrop, quickly exclaiming some random excuse as to why they have to leave before disappearing down the hall.

Enjoy my shit gay writing :D

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