Told You {Hunk}

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A/n: Enjoy this lil' short story I made. I'm having a bit of writers block and basically just can't seem to write long stories. Sorry ;-; hope you like anyway ^^;

Hunk x Reader {Told You}

[3rd POV]

You sit on the counter in the kitchen, watching Hunk as he tries to teach you how to cook. “Now, add the flour and-” Hunk looks at you “Uh, (Y/n)?” He asks, knocking you out of your trance. “Huh? Wha- oh yeah.” “(Y/n) are you even paying attention?” Hunk asks. “Nope!” You answer, popping the ‘p’. “I already told you; I can't cook. There's no use in trying to teach me.” You state. “C’mon, (Y/n)! Anyone can cook. You jus-” You stop Hunk from saying anything else “Wait. Was that a Ratatouille reference?” Hunk blushes lightly “Yeah… But it’s true!” He answers. “No, it's not. Trust me, I can't cook.” You say matter-of-factly. “Yes you can!” The boy insists. You shake your head “I can't even make ramen without burning it.” Hunk squints suspiciously. “Prove it. I think anyone can cook. I got some weird alien ramen stuff,” he pulls out said stuff “-make some of it. I'm positive you won't burn it.” He hands the suspiciously human-looking packages to you along with a pot. You sigh and get to work on it.

[15 minutes later]

Pidge looks at you and Hunk after putting out the fire with some weird Altean device. “How the quiznack did this even happen?” Hunk sweatdrops under Pidge's glare. “W-well- uh- m-me and (Y/-” you stop the poor boy by putting your hand over his mouth “I burnt the ramen.” Pidge looks at you confused “How is that even possible? Also, where did you get ramen?” She asks. “I'm just that bad at cooking. And the ramen? I have no idea.” Pidge shrugs and starts to leave but pauses at the door. “I would get that mess cleaned up before Allura sees it.” She says before exiting. You look at Hunk “Told you I can't cook.” You state. “Huh. I guess not everybody can cook after all.” is all he says.


“Hunk! (Y/n)! What happened here!” The princess shouts as she enters the halfway cleaned kitchen. “(Y/n) tried to cook.” Pidge says walking in and grabbing a snack before leaving. Allura just gives you an exhausted look “(Y/n), what have I told you about staying out of the kitchen?”

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