Travel Plans (HamLiza)

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Eliza woke up and made sure everybody's bags were packed before she nodded an turned to Alex, "We've got to tell Mr. Man where we're going now." She said matter-of-factly. The three of them were going to visit Lafayette in France for the first time.

Alex nodded and opened their door and called for Philip who, from the sounds of it, dropped all of his toy cars, he likes cars, and ran to his daddy, "What?" He asked as he attached to his father's leg, about three years old now.

Eliza crouched down to Philip's level and smiled making him run and throw his arms around her neck. She laughed and picked him up before saying, "We're going to be in a plane."

"Plane!" Philip yells right in her ear making her cringe from the sudden loud noise. Quickly, before anybody could say anything else, she set Phil down so he didn't permanently damage her eardrums.

"Yeah! I'm sure mommy packed a few cars for you to play with on the plane." Alex said, ruffling Philip's intense mane of curls. Eliza confirmed that she did and Philip threw his hands up and cheered though Alex added, "You'll probably sleep though, honestly. It's a long flight."

"No. I'll stay awake." Philip said with a determined glint in his eye, "I bet you I can! You'd better too! First to fall asleep has to get the other...gummy bears!" He said with a grin.

Alex chuckled and nodded, "Alrighty then Philip. I can try. Though I've never not slept through a flight to and from France. It's thirteen hours long...I think I'll owe you gummy bears by the end of it." Eliza, internally, did not like the idea of staying up later to try and get Philip to sleep because he wasn't one to give up on a bet. "Should we go now?" Alex broke through her thoughts, "We have to get our boarding passes and have our bags checked and everything."

Eliza nodded and Alex gathered all of the bags, she'd help but she was actually pregnant with their second child which almost halted their travel plans all together but after much research, Alex determined it was safe for a four-month pregnant woman to fly. She decided to stay out of the way and buckled Philip into the backseat before deciding getting out and to the front was too much work so she sat in the back with Philip.

Alexander got into the front seat then drove to the airport, probably faster than he needed to as they weren't anywhere near close to being late for the flight but they got there early and safely so there was no complaining.

Once Alex parked Eliza helped Philip out and held the boy's hand while Alex got all of their bags again. Upon seeing Alex drowning under their bags she said a quiet, "Sorry." As she felt guilty for not being able to help, Alex wouldn't let her carry a jug of milk in case it hurt the baby so travel bags and suitcases were out of the question.

"Eh, it's fine. It's easy stuff." He said from under them and walked into the airport, to the terminal with Eliza trying to reign in Philip before stopping and letting him wear himself out now so he'd pass out on the plane.

Alex sat down with Eliza to wait for their flight to be called as they watched Philip play with anything he could reach in their area making Alex laugh as he put an arm around Eliza and she leaned into him. He smiled and kissed the side of her head. "Is your stomach feeling better from earlier?" He whispered so Phil couldn't hear as they're keeping the baby a secret from him for now.

She nodded, her stomach had hurt earlier because of the baby but she was okay now as their little bundle of joy had settled, "It's fine."

"I'm glad, I don't like when you're hurting and I can't help in any way." He held her a bit tighter, " How do you think the flight will be?" He asked Eliza had put her head on his shoulder so he put his head on top of hers.

"Long." Eliza replied almost sarcastically, "As you said, it's thirteen hours long. It's going to be hell...I hope Phil sleeps." She looked at their son who was talking to the front counter of the terminal, they'd get him but he wasn't doing any hard as nobody was in line so there was no need.

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