No Girls Allowed (Philodosia)

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Theo stretched her eleven-year-old limbs as she relaxed on her hammock, Common Sense in her hands, her mother had recommended she read it for reasons unknown. She shook her head to feel her earrings jingle back and forth against her head, she still didn't know why she liked doing that but it did entertain her.

She closed her eyes and sighed before shaking her head again to wake herself up, she had to finish the chapter. Theo picked the book up again and let her fingers skim over the smooth leather of the bound pages. She breathed in deeply because she loves that new book smell before trying to settle down, ignoring her restless nature.

Theo almost did it, she really did, she worked very hard to stay concentrated but when she heard yelling of a game nearby she looked over. She tried to figure out the game but from the distance she couldn't so she struggled out of the hammock and held the book to her chest, heading over.

She edged her way into the park they were all playing in and pulled on a loose thread of her dress. Theo waited patiently for the boys to calm down or for their current game to end, she wasn't sure which one it was as she couldn't tell what they were playing, she guessed it was a made-up game.

As she watched them she could tell that a bench in the park was a sort of prison and one team were the taggers and the others were running away from the taggers. If somebody was tagged they had to sit on the bench and could only get free if somebody from their team ran over quick enough to grab their hand and run from the bench. The game went on until all the runners were caught and on the bench.

Theo waved shyly when they noticed her at the end of their game or match, whichever one it was. The boys huddled up and spoke in hushed whispers before the group made their way over, she noted the only boy with freckles lagged behind, but she didn't think much of it.

The person she perceived as the leader or most extroverted spoke up first, "Hey there~" His skin, eyes, and hair dark.

Theo thought she knew him and studied his face until she recognized him, "George Eaker, isn't it?" She asked.

George turned to his friends who gave him more hushed whispers and even some side glances at Theo which made her a tad nervous, "The beauty knows my name." He flirted but Theo played ignorant to it.

"I know you because you work for my father, the current Senator of New York." She replied crisply, her fingernail scratching the book as she tried to forget her nerves. She hated talking, especially to people, animals were okay, but she truly did want to know what they were playing and perhaps join in. "I can't believe you have forgotten my name seeing as I did not let yours slip my mind. Pitiful. Next." She kept her chin high and felt giddy at George's embarrassed look, he had quite the reputation for his sexual demeanor.

"I know you," Freckle boy spoke up and pushed his way to stand in front of Theo. He offered her his hand and she took it, surprised when he shook her hand instead of how men are supposed to hold a lady's hand. She smiled though and kept the handshake firm until he dropped her hand, "Theodosia Burr, right?"

Theo nodded and looked his face over to place him. She had never forgotten a face and she wasn't about to start now. She almost slapped herself when she realized who he was, how could she not place him immediately? "Philip Hamilton," She smiled kindly, "Glad I met somebody civil here." Philip smiled back at her, "I was reading when I heard your game which is why I came and watched and I just wanted to know what it was. It seemed very interesting and rather entertaining. Much more entertaining than this old book." She waved her book slightly to draw their attention to it.

"Don't let my aunt hear you say that," Philip teased, "It's her favorite." He then looked at the other boys who nodded and he turned back to her, "It's a game we made up, usually we only play it at night because that makes it harder, but I'm leaving town for my boarding school later today so we decided to play one last time." Theo nodded as he explained, "It's called Vampire. One person is the vampire, or, Dracula, he's the main tagger and chooses two other people to be his underlings and they chase the humans and put them on the bench. The last person alive gets to be Dracula next, but the humans can save each other from the bench by pulling them out of the vampire den-the bench."

"Oh, that's really cool!" Theo liked the premise of the game and the rules, it seemed like it was well thought through even though it was rather simple. She didn't have any siblings that had lived to be old enough to play these games with so it was rare for her to experience them. She looked between them before timidly asking, "Can I play too?"

Philip shrugged, "Sur-" He was cut off though as George patted his shoulder while the other boys laughed.

George took a step to Theo to get in front of Philip but the closeness made her backpedal a few steps, "We can't play with a girl!" He said outright making Theo flush with embarrassment, "They can't even play right. No girls allowed. It's just stupid."

"I see..." She wasn't one to argue against that, she never did. It was a truth of her time, of her life. When a man said 'no' or called her or her idea(s) stupid she knew they were right, they were always right, "Sorry for the inconvenience."

They continued laughing as she turned around and headed back to the fenced in garden of her father's estate, the place her hammock swung in the breeze. She let her head hang low until she heard Philip, "Really? You guys are beyond idiotic. I have two little sisters and they'd tear you all to shreds. Fuck this." She turned around and blushed dark red when she saw Philip jogging up to her, "Sorry about them. They're the stupid ones. Want to go find my siblings and my other friends and we can play somewhere else?"

She nodded quickly, "Yes of course. Where? I have to tell my father where I'll be so he doesn't worry."

Philip looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging, "What about the nature park that's a mile and a half west? I can't remember the name but it's off of Eleventh Street."

Theo nodded, "Sounds perfect."

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