Stay? (Margelica Smut)

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Requested by Woofmeowca

Maria was sat next to her lover, the woman she was a mistress to. Yes, a woman. When her husband, James, left her she went to Angelica Schuyler Church for financial help and slowly they just fell into bed one night and it has continued to happen since.

"So," Angelica finally spoke up and looked at Maria, the two women were currently sitting in the Schuyler-Church estate's parlor. Maria turned to her to show she was listening, "I don't know if you want to can stay?" She said.

Maria looked confused for a few moments before nodding happily, "Y-Yeah I'd love to stay!" She said quickly, "I-I like it here, I really do. Staying here would be like a dream but I don't know how much I'd really help out around the um...around the place and stuff..." She was a bit nervous and shifted to display it.

"Hey, it's fine." Angelica said sincerely and took her hands, "I mean it shouldn't be a surprise how I feel about you." She mumbled and looked away before looking back and putting her arms around Maria making her blush, Angelica putting her forehead against Maria's as they stared at each other.

It took a moment before Maria rather shyly connected their lips, she was glad John Church was away on business and took his and Angelica's son with him. Angelica responded instantly and cupped her face as they mashed their lips together, the sweet-toned kiss had quickly spun into a heated and passionate make-out session. Angelica pulled Maria onto her lap and Maria pulled her dress up to her thighs so she could straddle her, Angelica's hands on her hips with Maria's hands in Angie's hair.

Angelica flicked her tongue against Maria's lips and she, of course, opened her mouth and let her lover in. Angelica took control as she always did and bit Maria's lip to show she was, Maria squeaked and let Angie explore her mouth as much as she wanted. Angelica pulled at the lace on Maria's dress until it became undone, she slipped it off her shoulders and broke the kiss to stand them up and strip Maria.

"You're so gorgeous..." Angelica mumbled but before Maria could return the affection she was pushed against the wall with Angelica biting her neck. She moaned and tilted her head to give Angie more room, feeling her tugging and licking her sensitive skin as much as she pleased. Angelica knew she had control which is why she put off stripping herself and flicked Maria's clit, relishing in the shiver the woman gave her.

Maria sucked in a breath as Angelica began to play with her clit. The sensation felt like electricity shooting up her body and into the core of her pleasure, her moans came slowly but surely. Angelica flicked her hardening nipple as she massaged her clit making Maria hit her head against the wall, "Angie please..." She mumbled while feeling like she was going to collapse from the amount of pleasure she was receiving.

Angelica chuckled and picked Maria up bridal style before setting her gently on the floor. Maria furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but watched as Angelica stood up and stripped herself of her dress, throwing it to join Maria's. She blushed redder and Maria felt herself up, "Like what you see?" She asked in a teasing voice.

Maria bit her lip before nodding slowly, "Very much so my dear~" She said and watched Angelica get onto her knees and crawl over her body. Maria blushed harder and stared up at her until Angelica kissed her again, biting her lip harder than she did before while lightly running her hand up and down her entrance. Maria shuddered again and let Angelica play with her, squirming slightly as her clit was again stimulated and her neck dominated.

Angelica suddenly got onto her knees again and turned around, Maria understood instantly but squeaked again when she felt an experimental lick up her. Angelica giggled, "Sensitive." Before she dove in, Maria's mouth falling open in pleasure as Angelica hit all the right places. It took her a moment before she wrapped her own arms around Angie's hips and pulled her to her face and using her tongue to swirl Angelica's clit in a circle before choosing to move it up and down as a quick pace. She felt Angelica moan and it spurred her on as she dove deep into her and moved her tongue all about, it felt heavenly.

Maria tried to keep her hips still but she soon felt Angelica holding her down as she tried to pleasure her as much as she could. She knew her skills or whatever weren't as adept as Angelica's seeing as Angelica seemed to be able to find every single spot that made her moan in seconds. Maria felt determined so she brought her fingers around and slipped them in, three at once, and felt Angelica tighten, "Ah fuck..." She heard and it made her feel like she was succeeding.

"An-Angelica I might u-um..." She felt her knot building up and tightening as Angelica kept managing to get into her moth sensitive areas and fuck the shit out of them. She thrust her fingers in and out as fast as she could will them while using her other hand to circle and play with her clit.

"Go ah-ahead..." Angelica mumbled softly, "I might soon too anyway." Maria tried to hold out a little longer but Angelica only flicked her clit again before she tightened and came around her magic tongue.

"Fuuuuck!" She moaned loudly and barely managed to keep thrusting her fingers, only a few minutes later she felt Angelica cum around her with a scream into the air.

They stayed like that for a few moments until Angelica crawled next to Maria and held her close, "Stay?" She asked quietly, kissing Maria's cheek sweetly in stark contrast to their actions.

Maria nodded softly and cuddled into her arms where she felt safest and most secure, "Of course...of course, I'll stay."

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