I just wish...

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My brother is so annoying. He thinks that he is better than me in every way.  Of course he is wrong.  Just because Zach is 20 minutes older than me doesn't mean that he is better.

My sister is crazy. I can't believe I shared a room with her until we were nine.  She thinks running is for fun — no it's for conditioning at practice not at home.  She spends half of her waking hours on her phone with Grayson. 
We couldn't even pass as twins, we have brown hair and that's wheee the similarities end.  I could deal with a few months without her; So could her phone.

Missy: I've always wanted a little sister and so have my parents but they can't have kids and after me the adoption place wouldn't let them have anymore kids. 

Jess: my brother is literally the worst. He tried to shave off my eyebrows!! He has zero respect for me and it needs to change.  I hope he gets what he deserves. 

Grayson:  my little sister is awful.  I hate how annoying she is.  She painted my computer with acrylic paint!! It was brand new.  I wish I was an only child. They say the terrible twos, what about the terrible nines??

Caleb:  my friends think having one annoying sibling is bad but I have two.  They are devil spawn I swear.  Tommy and Sara are gross.  They get everything muddy and never stop eating.  They should starve with how much they eat. 

I just wishWhere stories live. Discover now