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I tried to follow Gwen into the delivery room, but the nurse ambushed me with questions before I could. "Are you her husband? Do we need to contact anyone else?"
"Shit," I said under my breath. "I left my phone at home and don't know her parents' numbers... but I do know her brother's."
I looked past her but the windows in the door were foggy. "I gotta go," I raced through the doors that Gwen was pushed through before the nurse could respond.
Inside, there was the sound of babies crying and women screaming. I listened f0r Gwen's voice, but I couldn't pick it out. I was panicking and didn't want to get caught peeping so, I ran to the front desk, and immediately ask for Gwen Kelly. The nurse doesn't look up from her computer, then after a beat of five she says in a low tone, "Room 321"
"Thank you." I respond and run in the direction she pointed. As I reach the room I see three doctors coming out. "Is she okay?" I ask.
"Yes she's fine" the doctor says nonchalantly.
"Well can I go in?" I say concerned.
"No, I think it best for you to stay out here." The other doctor says.
"Okay, can you at least get me a phone, I need to call her brother so he can tell her parents."
"Yes," The last doctor replies and walks back into her room. Seconds later he comes back out with a phone in his hand.
"Thanks," I say and grab the phone and scoot down the hall to find a storage closet. I go in to make the call. The phone lights up as I hit the call icon. My hands shake as I dial the second, and the third, and fourth, and fifth. I take a deep breath and hit the sixth and seventh digit. Then I hit send.

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