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My nose was dripping and my eyes were on fire. I screamed out; I couldn't see anything. "Gwen?" I heard a voice. "Grayson, I can't see, help!" I felt his rough hands grip mine and reply, "I'm going to rinse them with water," I appreciated the warning.
It felt amazing. After a few minutes, the burning had mostly subsided. Grayson and I were in the back of a van that was driving really fast.
I sniffed. This couldn't be happening again. Grayson didn't need to be tangled up in the crap that was ruining my life.
"Gray," I paused and moved over to him. I curled up next to him. "Why does this keep happening?" I let the tears drip out.
"I will get us out of here, I promise." He gripped me tighter. I held on like he was the only thing keeping my feet on the ground.
"I love you, Gray," I said, teary. "I love you too." He kissed my head and rubbed my arm. "What are we gonna do? Gray, I can't be raped again. I can't be beat. I can't be shot. I hate-" he stopped me.
"We will figure it out, but not now. I promise." I dozed off and cried most of the time it took me to fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a man's arms. "Stop! Let me go!" I shrieked.
I heard Grayson's voice in the midst of me yelling and squirming. "Stop, Gwen, just, I'm right here, I won't let them hurt you." I looked over and saw nothing. I had a scratchy smelly burlap sack on my head.
"Put me down!" I screamed disregarding Grayson's words. "I won't try and run, I promise. Just let me walk with Grayson." I was roughly put down.
I rushed to Grayson's side; where the words came from, ready to embrace him, but one of the men near him pushed me to the ground. "No touching!"
"Hey, don't push her!" Grayson nudged the one who pushed me with his hands on his shoulders. It was obvious the one who would win in a fight and Grayson's odds weren't that great.
"I'm okay Gray. Don't worry." I stood and brushed off my butt and back. "Where are you taking us?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"You'll see," the man was being weirdly patient. "No, I won't, not with a bag on my head." He untightened the drawstring around my neck and pulled off the sack.
He had sandy blonde hair and cruelly handsome features. His cheekbones and wide eyes matched the beauty of his chiseled jaw. He was the most attractive human I'd ever seen. Whoa, Stockholm's syndrome going to my head. I was asking dumb questions and testing the men's patience all the way we were walking.
He finally said, "Shut up please?" he was polite about it too. I fell into step behind him and looked around me.
We were on a narrow gravel path that was bordered by a stream on one side and a massive wood on he other. The serene sounds of nature lulled me. I was strangely calm considering I'd just been kidnapped.
Maybe they drugged me, I thought. I started humming the song that was on the radio before we got to the store back in town.
"You sound wonderful," said the sand-haired man. "Thanks," I replied respectfully. "When we get there, you should sing for Beecher. She'll enjoy that," the man was actually serious. "Okay..." I said unsure.
About an hour of walking had passed and my stamina had not been exercised in a while because of the tissue damage. My leg was aching and I was cursing myself for not carrying the usual painkillers in my pocket.
A huge house had appeared in the distance. It was so old, probably from the 1800's. Ivy grew up its grey stonewalls. A large green patch of grass covered the whole backside of the house. The yard was gigantic!
When we got to the door, I started to get anxious. I gripped my hands in fists really tight and gave Gray a nervous look. He looked equally as scared.
The sand-haired man told me to go in and I gasped. The house was gorgeous on the inside. It had ancient stairwells and massive chandeliers.
The walls hung with portraits of dozens of people. I was shoved inside when I stood gape mouthed in the doorway.
"Beecher, we're here," yelled the man to the seemingly empty house. Seconds later, a woman dressed in a vintage dress and old fashioned makeup came to the top of the stairs.
She had long red hair and flawless skin. Her body had the perfect amount of slimness and curves and her features showed that she understood her beauty.
"Yes, Underwood?" Even her voice was powerful. He nudged me forward, "This is Gwendolyn."
"Ah, very beautiful," she examined me as she slowly came down the steps. "Curvy, but skinny, wild hair, greasy complexion, pretty eyes," she stopped about a foot from me.
I was getting hot from all the attention. Comfortableness sank away from me as she circled around me. "You aren't perfect, your impurities should be gone by now though."
"Why should they be gone?" I said, not so confidently. The men behind me held their breath as she gave me an ice cold stare. "I like your spunk, you could be great one day." I won a tiny smirk and the men let exhaled again.
"Next," she said calmly. I was grabbed by the arm and pulled back while Grayson was pushed forward.
"Handsome. Filled out nicely, strong, I assume, full hair, sharp jawline, you'll be great. Bring them to their rooms and explain everything."
The woman walked away and we were silently brought up the stairs and into a large sitting room with two bedrooms visible on either side of the space.
"There are clothes on the beds. You," he pointed to me, "that way. And you," he pointed to Grayson, "the other." I briskly made my way to the doorway, exchanging a nervous glance with Gray.
The bedroom was lavishly decorated, more fancy than anything I owned. There was a huge canopy bed with a gorgeous dark red comforter. On top lies a vintage teal dress that was covered in black lace on the arms.
I gasped. "Is that... for me?" I said astonished. Beecher was standing in the doorway, where I expected one of the men to be. She nodded.
"After you put it on, I'll explain why you are her," she gave me a smug grin.
I put on the dress as quick as possible and called her back in. She walked slowly. I anxiously tugged at the uncomfortable corset. It was very flattering, but very uncomfortable.
She extended her arm and swung around one of the posts. Then, she flopped on the bed. "Will you tell me why I'm here?" I asked after a few seconds. She turned her head.
She really was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. Her deep brown eyes and hair were perfect together. Her complexion was the right shade to not get washed out by the red.
She sighed and closed her eyes while sitting up. "I'll have to start with a story." she paused. I was starting to hate her hesitations. "I was nineteen when it happened. I met a nice boy who was older than me and we got... very close." I knew where this was going.
"One night, he turned me." I was confused. "What do you mean, 'turned me'?"
"He bit me and turned me into a vampire. You are one too, Remington turned you."
I chuckled. "You've got to be kidding. You kidnapped me and brought me across the country to tell me that I am a mythical creature?"
She looked at me with a hard stare. "I'm not joking Gwendolyn. And you have no idea where we are, so don't act all confident." I was starting to get freaked out. "Let me finish my story," she said almost growly. She put her hands on my legs and held me on the bed when I tried to back away.
"I have gathered followers throughout the years and they have turned people ever since. You are assumed to be an on the verge vampire.
"So, we have brought you here to continue your transition and we took your boyfriend because he wouldn't let us take you." She looked satisfied as she finished. Her strong arms made my thighs feel bruised.
"Um, can I leave now? Because that's a load of bullshit." I went to get up and she actually did growl.
I was on the verge of screaming for Grayson. I was pinned on the bed now. She leaned over me and put her lips near my neck. A second later, she was being dragged off me.
"Lindsey!" I was hauled to my feet before I opened my eyes. The sand-haired man was holding Beecher back and talking to her in a quiet way. Grayson was whispering in my ear.
"We are leaving tonight." I nodded. He put his hand on my back. "Grayson, she is crazy," I stressed the crazy part. "Yeah, he is too. I will come get you tonight. Be ready."
He was pulled away and I saw his beautiful green eyes sink. Beecher left the room smirking.
I watched her perfect little booty stroll out the door. I didn't know what to do. I sat down on the bed. I noticed that there was no modern technology in the room.
My phone! It was in the pocket of my jeans. I scrambled to get it, tripping over the long dress in the process. As I ripped open my pockets, I found what I was looking for.
I tried to turn it on, but the no power symbol came up. Great, I thought. Grayson probably has his phone still, maybe with battery life left.
I lie on the bed and thought about what my parents were thinking. Maybe they just thought that Grayson and I ran off together, or that we were kidnapped, like we were.
Then, I thought about our situation. I had been kidnapped for a second time in six months and my boyfriend was taken this time too. The kidnappers believed that they were vampires and they thought they had turned me.
I started to the exit of the room. The carpeted floor was soft underfoot. I gripped the rustic door handle and heard voices outside my chambers.

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