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I woke with a start. I heard my door creak open. I looked over my shoulder and expected Grayson, but saw Underwood. His hair was a mess and he was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.
I pushed myself to the other side of the huge bed. "Gwen, its okay. I just wanted to talk to you."
I pulled my knees to my chest and tugged the short nightgown down as far as it would go.
He sat on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know that this is a weird thing for you, but its imperative that we get this over with."
"Get what over with?" I asked shakily, scooting over even more. "Beecher didn't tell you?" I shook my head. "You need to be... How should I put this? Inseminated, before you go through the change because then, you'll be sterile. And Beecher wants little vampires, that came from beautiful parents." The look on his face was pure evil. I inched off the bed and fell to the ground on the other side.
I stood and began to race towards the door. He was so much faster. He was off the bed and at the door before I was around the bed.
"Stop, please, don't do this, I can't. Please, Underwood." I was scared to death. He started to come closer. He looked at me as if I was his prey, some kind of dinner that he wanted more than anything else.
I brought my leg up in front of me and covered myself with my hands. He was so close. I thought about how I may never see my family again and how if I don't fight him, I will probably die.
He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my jaw. I kneed him in the groin, a skill from gym class self defense that came in handy. "Oh, you want to go there already?" He said smiling, not seemed to be fazed by the blow.
I fought. I fought him in every way I knew how. I screamed, kicked, pulled, scratched, but he just took it as rough sex.
One thought kept running through my mind. If you can't defend yourself, maybe you should give up. Its not like you're ever going to see your family again. I remembered that my brother told me that he didn't believe in God anymore. I told him that I did, but that I didn't think he cared anymore.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I lied in the gross sheets and waited for morning. As soon as the sun started to rise, I darted out the door. I ran to Grayson's door across the hall. I yanked open the door and ran to him. He was tied to the posts and had a huge gash on his face. His jaw looked as if it was dented and he had bruises on his chest.
I untied him quickly and said, "Gray, its me, wakeup." His eyes slowly fluttered open. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I swear to God I'm gonna kill them. I heard you screaming, are you okay?"
I nodded. "Underwood. He said that-" he cut me off. "I know, Beecher told me. I said that I was going to kill him and this happened." He rubbed his now free wrists and gestured to his beat up face.
"I'll clean that for you." I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and got it wet. In the short time I was in there, I noticed there was modern equipment in there, like a toilet and sink.
As soon as I got back to the room, I started cleaning Gray's face. His jaw was definitely broken and would probably need surgery, but the blood on his head, just came from a surface wound.
"You need to go to a hospital, your jaw is broken." He opened his mouth to respond. "No, you can't talk, are you stupid?" He sat there with his mouth slightly open and a pained look on his face.
"I'll talk to Beecher." I ran out of the room again and down the hallway I was told not to. I banged on each of the doors and ran to the end.
An angry looking Beecher was at the end of the hall before I could knock on her door.
She didn't even look like she had been asleep. Her hair wasn't frizzy, her clothes weren't wrinkled and her face was unblemished by sleep. "What the Hell do you want?"
I shrank back at her tone. "Grayson needs to go to the hospital. He needs his jaw set." I awaited her response. "No, he doesn't." She paused. "Yes," she gave me a look that told me to shut-up. "He is transitioning and soon, he won't need a doctor for the rest of his life."
"Beecher, his mouth was bleeding and that could make him choke and die. If his jaw is broken for any longer, he will die, please Beecher."
"If you want him healed so badly, do it yourself. Or you can get your pathetic boyfriend to."
"Um, my "boyfriend" is the one with the broken jaw." She rolled her eyes. "The one who knocked you up last night." She pushed me out the door and slammed it in my face. I stared, gape mouthed.
I had forgotten about that. I ran to find Underwood.
I banged on his door, hoping that had been where he had returned. He opened the door, sleepy eyed and asked me what I wanted. "You need to set Gray's jaw. Like, now."
He followed me back to Gray's room and told me to leave. I stood at the door, bracing for screams.

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