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Gwen told me everything. That she was raped and might be pregnant. That I needed surgery but will never get it and might have a malformed jaw for the rest of my life. That the people holding us were actually crazy (we already knew that) and that we might never get out of this Hell hole.
My jaw was still broken and Underwood just set it. I don't know why he was helping us or on our side in the slightest bit. Gwen hoped it was because he thought she was carrying his child and she believes that she could use that against him.
Though it is too early to determine if she is pregnant, she has been feeling a few of the symptoms.
We were allowed out of the house now. Every day, we walk around the house and check if our windows were near a spot we could escape. The wood around it was really pretty and there is a courtyard with a fountain in the back.
When we were out today, we were half way around the house. "What will happen if I am pregnant?" she asked for the first time. I shrugged.
"I will love you anyways. We can move to the place you want to go to college and then we can just start a life."
"Okay, shut up Gray. I don't really need to think that far into the future." She laughed and grabbed my hand, leaning into my side. Gwen put her head on my arm and giggled.
We heard dogs barking in he distance and ran around the side to see what was happening. They were too distant to see, but we hoped it was a good sign.
"Quick, take your sweater off." I told Gwen and she put it on a chair next to us. She slid off her underwear from under her massive dress. She put it right next to it the sweater on the ground.
"What? I learned that underwear is the best thing for a tracker dog to use." I rolled my eyes and started to take off random articles of clothing.
"Grayson, Gwendolyn, come inside, now." I heard Beecher say from the French doors to our right. I took Gwen's hand and looked back slightly to see that her shoes were also left on the grass.
When we got inside, Underwood was waiting at a table by the bay window. Beecher hiked up her skirts slightly and plopped on the table.
"We need to talk to you, Gwen." She nodded and sat down in the chair across from Underwood.
"Grayson, you can leave." She gave me the look and I sympathetically smiled at Gwen before turning around and leaving the room.

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