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Because of the murder of Michaela Donahue, all the houses in Eustis were being checked. All of them, because that stupid jackass kidnapper. I was terrified that anyone else that had gotten taken would be killed.
The only reason you could leave your house, was to get food and go to the doctors. Nobody knew why the sudden and excessive change of heart from the police, but we thought it would work.
The house that Kayla was found near had its owners arrested. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were the suspected killers of a nine-year-old girl. She was found with her blood drained and her face slashed.
For the next five days, every resident of our tiny town's house was searched for three kids: Thomas Richet, Gwendolyn Kelly and Ryan Sencan.
No kids were found. They wanted to extend the area of hunting, but for a lack of evidence, the state police denied their request. I hoped and prayed for a sign, for them to escape, alive.
There was nothing left to do but wait.
I texted Hannah:
Me: R u ok?
Hannah: not rlly
Me: me neither
Hannah: I am getting depressed and just want everything 2 go back 2 normal like in the beg. Of summer
Me: same, hows Gray?
Hannah: prob wanting 2 kill the dude
Me: well he did kidnap his gf and kill his sister
Me: nvm ignore that, too soon
Hannah: I won't tell
Me: I hope that they're ok
Hannah: same
Hannah: gtg txt u tm
Me: cya
I lie down and felt my eyes well up. It felt like there was an empty hole that needed filling. It ached and I knew that deep down, it wasn't going to go away just like that. I was going to be paranoid for a while after my brother was found, safe, or I would be scarred for life because he was killed.
I wanted so badly for this nightmare to be over and I of all people should know that just wanting something doesn't get you anywhere.

I woke up the next morning with an idea. I snuck out after leaving a note for my mom. (My dad had left thinking that missing a month of work wasn't worth waiting for his missing and possibly dead son).
I hiked to the bridge and texted the others in our group chat.

Me: meet @ bridge.
Me: sneak out if u can't come w/parent permission
Zach: too early
Caleb: omw
Me: Zach, get Ur lazy ass up I need to talk to everyone
Gray: Im rlly not in the mood
Me: I wasn't asking
Gray: I wasn't asking either stop bitching
Me: u stop bitching Grayson, Ur sister night be dead, but I don't want that to be the case for my bro, so im gonna take action whether u like it or not and I need u b/c u r the strongest.
Me: as I told Zach, get off all yawls' lazy Asses and get down here
Zach: women...
Gray: f u
Me: thx Gray J

Everyone arrived about 25 minutes later, even Grayson; who I assumed wouldn't be agreeing with any of my opinions currently.
"I have an idea of what we could do to help." Then, it was time to put my plan into action.

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