Chapter 2 ∞ Connor: Black

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As the boy passed his peers in the hallway, he tried to make himself as unnoticeable as possible. He still didn't understand why they looked at him like he was some kind of Greek god. Hormones, he thought. It has to be hormones.

I have never understood how people could fall in love just by looking at each other. The whole 'love at first sight' thing is just bullshit. You can't love someone just by looking at them. I always figured you have to have at least two things in common, and if you only have two things in common, they have to be the things you care most about. I know everyone says opposites attract, but I don't believe that either. If you're too opposite you'll split up eventually. So, with all this in mind, what's the point in falling in love anyway?

Even though I just said what I said, I've always wanted to be in love. I've never been desperate. I always figured that if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, well, then I'll die alone.

At school, people seem to worship me. When girls see me, they look like they're about to faint and the entire cheerleading squad, even the ones with boyfriends, flirt with me. At least I think they're flirting. Does telling me that I look "like, totally hot" count?

The guys on the basketball team offered me the position of captain two years ago when I was just a Sophomore; I politely declined. I get why they want me to be team captain. I'm great at basketball, the best on the team by far, and I'm tall too, I reached 6'3 a few months ago. But why they want to eat lunch with me or talk to me or actually spend time with me after school I don't know.

I like, correction, I love romantic novels and I practically despise 99,9% of the population. The only people I actually like are my mom and my dog Cooper. I guess my dad's pretty cool as well. But other than that, I don't really like anyone. Of course, the guys on the team don't know that. Mostly because I'm a great liar, also. My mom says it's called being charming, and as long as people buy it, I'm okay with that.

For example, if I see a girl heading my way that I really don't want to talk to, I just shoot her my best smirk, a wink and tell her I like her shirt and she just bats her eyelashes and starts to giggle. And even if I hate her shirt, it's a lot easier to tell I like it than actually having a conversation with her.

I'm kind of weird, also. I have all these little quirks about me. My mom says it's just a phase, but I'm not so sure. My newest thing is waking up at four in the morning for no apparent reason. It kind of sucks, because no matter what I do, I don't sleep more than six hours a night. Even if I go to bed at eight, I never fall asleep until ten. Like I said, I'm odd. Possibly the strangest man to wander earth. Sorry, I take that back. The strangest man to wander earth is definitely Harry Potter. Voldemort just let him live after killing his parents? He wasn't able to take him out all those years he was at Hogwarts? Yeah, right.

How about this, I'll make a pact with you, whoever 'you' are. This week I will do something spontaneous, something that is totally unexpected and that will be sure to change my life.

And so, the boy smacked his forehead for talking to himself for another thirty minutes.


Published 7/30-2018



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