Chapter 11 ∞ Ella: Relationships

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I enter Jess' parent's huge mansion, duffel bag in hand. My heels klick against the white marble floor, so shiny I can almost see my reflection in it. My hand falls on one of the ivory white pillars framing the grand staircase, which leads to the second floor where the living room in located. I've never really liked this house, it's way too sterile for my taste. I take a deep breath and start climbing the stairs. I stop short before entering the living room as Lauren's voice echoes through the halls.

"She said that? Really?" she's obviously pissed.

One of the things I like about Lauren is that she's easy to read, she never pretends to be something she's not. I wish I was more like her, more honest and all.

Jess shushes her. "Yeah, but I don't think she meant it. Believe me, Lauren, I'm not happy about it either, but as long as she doesn't do it again..."

There's a long pause. Then suddenly Lauren's voice cuts through the air like a dagger. "Okay, I trust you. I really like Ella, I do, she's one of my best friends," I smile, "But if she hurts you I'm calling her out on it."

And so, the guilt comes rushing back. If I could take back the other day, I would. Jess is one of the best people I know, and what I did... it wasn't right. I'm not right. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and tell myself it's okay, not any different than usual. When I open my eyes again, I smile, the heavy feeling in my chest disappearing slightly.

"Hey, guys..." I'm suddenly shy, afraid of what Lauren thinks of me now.

She examines me for a moment and then smiles in defeat. "Ella, what are you doing? Get over here!"

We hug, and though it feels nice, the only person I want to embrace me is Connor. And so, for the rest of the night, I'm not in a stuffy mansion with my best friends, I'm on a beach, eating cotton candy in the arms of my coffee bud.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Ella. She's a senior at TNHS," the students make an 'ooh' sound and I laugh. "Yeah, I get it. High school. Nightmare. Anyway, she'll be my assistant today, helping me keep order in the classroom, collecting papers, handing out assignments, etcetera. Go ahead and introduce yourself, Ella."

I smile shyly and stand in front of my mother's desk. We're in one of those huge classrooms with rows and rows of seats. Oddly enough, I'm not nervous, but rather oozing with confidence. I've never been that shy in front of people I don't know. The only time I'm nervous is when I get embarrassed in school or when... or when I'm with Connor.

"Well, I'm Ella Cliff, which you should know by now. I'm seventeen and..." I trail off. Which side of myself do I show them? "I love The Beatles and I read The New York Times every morning. I'll probably become a lawyer or something, because I love talking. You should know that by now, also," they laugh, and I smile, stepping back to let my mother begin the lesson.

"For our next project we'll be looking into the Russian authors-"

The classroom doors burst open, and a boy with dirty blonde hair wearing a henley jumps in, raising his arms into the air. He reminds me of Logan from Gilmore Girls, they have that same punchable face. His attitude tells me he's your typical bad boy; likes things messy, doesn't care if he disturbs other people, always gets his way...

"Mr. Dugrey, how nice of you to join us," my mother leans against her desk, rolling her eyes. Although, since I know her, I can tell this guy is stressing her out.

I stand up, about to say something, right as he answers, "Mrs. C, how lovely to see you again! Who might the fair maiden to you right be?"

"Since you arrived late, you'll never know," I snap, "And why are you late exactly? Let me guess, this the high of your week, right? You don't get any other attention."

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