Bonus | The Letter

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Dear Ella,

I know our conversation was the end, and maybe that's for the best. I wish we could've been made for each other. Unfortunately, the universe doesn't want it that way.

Currently, I'm sitting on the roof of my house. It's damp and cold out here, a little too cold considering it's May. My t-shirt and sweatpants are hardly enough to keep the bitter chill out, but I'm afraid I need the raw feeling to write this. I'll never send this letter. It will be stuck between two books on my bookshelf, and sooner or later I will forget about its existence. Thus it is rather foolish of me to write this letter since it will only make everything harder.

Again, I'm not sure why I'm writing this, because it's so incredibly hard and it hurts more than anything I've ever experienced, but I feel like I need closure. I miss you, I miss you so much. I miss the way your laugh would make me feel like we shared a secret, and how your smile reminded me of pure sunshine, and the way I couldn't bring myself to be sad around you. Still, the thing I miss the most is the person I was with you when we first met; the guy who laughed without feeling hollow, who enjoyed physical contact, and who always knew things would get better.

For a moment there, you were my everything, even if it was just for a split second. Thank you for filling my void and for finally making me feel something. I wish I could send you this, I wish I could see the tears streaming down your face as you laugh at the fact that you made an impact on someone. I wish, in a way, that we'd never met, because this pain, this burning sensation in my eyes and the aching in my chest can't possibly be worth it. Then again, if I'd never known the sound of your laughter or the feeling of your arms around my waist I might not know anything real at all.

You, Ella Cliff, are both a blessing and a curse, and for that I love you. I always will.

Thank you; for nothing and for everything.

Connor Black

Published 3/4-2019


The Letter

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