Chapter 7 ∞ Ella: Words

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Shortly after Connor has left the café

"What just happened?" I don't turn and look at him.

"I'm not sure," It's like I'm frozen, and I figure I must be, because I can't move.

"I'm sorry, El, he's weird that one," Chad pats my shoulder, and I nod even if he can't see me do it. "Want a free bagel to go? You could have it for lunch."

I look at the floor. "Thank you, Chad, that would be nice," my voice is monotone, much like how I feel.

I'm finally sleeping as I should be. Well, I'm not actually asleep, but I'm still in bed, which is better than usual. See? Peace and quiet, just birds singing here. There's definitely not a loud thumping sound by my window. Just rainbows and lotus flowers and all that jazz.

Okay, some jerk has been annoying me for the past thirty minutes by throwing something, probably pebbles, on my window. How is that amusing? I thought he would leave after, like, ten minutes, but, as I said, it's been thirty. I get up and put on my glasses. I sigh, getting ready to yell at the douchebag who apparently likes to throw rocks at random windows in his spare time. I pull the curtains aside, open my window and gasp.

"Connor?" his hair is messy and he's wearing this big old grin. Why is he so cute? I'm supposed to be mad at him! "What the actual hell are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"If you come down here, I can answer all of those questions," I look away for a second, debating what to do.

"Fine. I just need to change."

"Okay, but wear something from your real closet," I roll my eyes, trying not to smile.

I put on a pair of loose fitting jeans, my 'I'm killing it' t-shirt and a black sweater, and practically run down the stairs. And now I regret telling you that because I think I just lost what was left of my dignity. Anyhow, I run down the stairs but slow down as I walk out of the apartment building.

"Please tell me what you're doing here," he plays with the hem of his white t-shirt, and suddenly it hits me that he's nervous too.

"First of all, I apologize for running away yesterday. You might not believe this, but it's not you, it's me," I roll my eyes.

"You're right, I don't believe you."

"Well, consider this. If it was about you, would I really have found out where you lived and thrown rocks at your window for thirty minutes in hope that you'd talk to me?"

"Good point. Continue," Connor smiles.

"Okay, so I know I don't have any right to ask this of you, but since we both go to the café every morning, and we order the same things and we both read 'The New York Times'... maybe we could start doing those things together?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I look away so that he won't see me blushing.

"Yes. Ella Cliff, would you like me to pick you up here at five AM every morning and then have coffee with me?"

"Wait," I put my hands on my hips and frown. "You woke me up to tell me this? Because you want to meet me every morning at five?"


"So you honestly expect me to throw away three hours of perfectly good sleep just to have coffee with you?"

He rolls his eyes and smirks at me. "Yes."

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