Chapter 6 ∞ Connor: Tears

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The boy had deliberately sat down in another chair that morning in the hopes that his mystery girl would sit next to him. He had wished on his lucky star the night before, that maybe, just maybe, he would get to see her again.

I hear the café door open, and I already know it's her.

For a second, nothing happens, and I wonder if she's left. Then suddenly she sits down right next to me, just like I had hoped she would. The old man who runs the café, Chad I think his name is, comes out with my order.

"Are those for me?" the girl asks with a smile.

"Sorry El, these are for this young fella. What was your na... Wait, was it Caleb?" El huh?

I look up from my book, not at all bothered by the fact that he got my name wrong, and shake my head. "You're close though."



"I've got it! Cameron?"

I'm starting to feel really bad for the guy. "It's Connor."

The girl grins.

"I'm sorry fella, I'm bad with names. It took me three months to remember Ella's name. Ain't that right El?"

Ella. I like it.

"Sure is," Ella replies. "Uh, I don't want to be rude, but can I order?"

"Of course, El. The usual?"

"Actually," I try to focus on my sketch. I'm trying to finish her portrait, but it's hard when I'm distracted. "I'm thinking about having something different. Something exotic and new..."

"I could make your coffee with a different kind of beans...?"

I see her pointing at the old man. "You, my friend, are a genius," I chuckle silently.

We sit there for a while, neither of us speaking. I went to the field by my house this morning and picked her some flowers. I probably won't give them to her, because that would mean I have to talk to her which means I also have to look at her, and I'm not sure I can do that without blushing. Gosh, I'm a moron.

"Shouldn't you put those in some water?" I hope she's not talking about the flowers. "The flowers I mean," crap.

"Well," I try to think of a clever response. "it's Autumn, they'll die anyway."

She laughs. I'm pleased with my answer. "That's one way to see it I guess. May I ask who they're for?"

Do I tell her? Do I not tell her? "You may, because they're for you," I guess I'm telling her.

Her body noticeably tenses. "They're for me?"

I get the flowers out of my bag and beg my hands to stop shaking when I hand them to her. She takes them, which causes our fingers to brush against each other briefly. I feel my cheeks heating up and turn my head away from her.

"Thank you. But why?"

Once again I struggle with coming up with something funny to say. "I figured you could use some color."

We both laugh at the same time. We both look at each other at the same time. We both look down at the same time. "I sure do, don't I? I'm Ella Cliff," her entire face turns red.

"Connor Black. Now that the introductions are out of the way, may I ask about your choice of clothing?" I say, hoping that she'll answer my questions.

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