Chapter 12 ∞ Connor: Monsters

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When the boy awoke that morning, he was in a rather selfish mood. His mind had subconsciously decided that the day was his, and apparently that it was. Horror awaited, but the sun did not seem to know this, for it shone brighter than most days. Not even the boy could control this, even though he longed to.

"Hey, kid, I made you some cupcakes. You can take some to this Ella you're always rambling on and on about," my father winks at me, and I respond with an eye roll.

"Dad, no. What are you even doing up at five anyway? Did you get up in the middle of the night to bake?" I say coldly.

My dad looks at me with glossy eyes and clears his throat. "No, of course not. It's okay if you don't want them... m-maybe Stella'll like them."

He takes off, rushing back into their bedroom. For a second, I feel bad, but then the alarm on my phone goes off, telling me I'm late for picking Ella up. I pull my sneakers on, not bothering to tie the shoelaces. With my backpack slung over one shoulder and my hair a curly mess, I arrive at the Cliff household just two minutes late. Ella exits her building joining me on the sidewalk just seconds later. She stops, taking me in, and her eyes widen slowly. I'm wearing a new, brown leather jacket, courtesy of my mother, and a black t-shirt.

I guess I look good, then.

Ella clears her throat, looking away awkwardly. "We should, uh, go."

She runs down the sidewalk, and I follow her, laughing. My arm finds hers and interlinks them. Ella stiffens for a moment before relaxing. This is startling, the fact that she's somehow scared of me. Thoughts come rushing into my head, filling every inch of my mind with whispers so quiet I can't make out any of the words they say. But it's there, my monster. I know it is.

Before second period, I've bumped into several pairs of shoulders without apologizing and thrown out a few rude remarks here and there.

In the middle of third period (calculus), I decide I'm skipping practice today. There are better things to do, like hang out with Ella. People have been ignoring me all day, probably because I've got that "I'll give you hell'" thing going. It doesn't bother me, quite the opposite actually. It's refreshing, freeing. Ever since Ella came into my life, I've felt untouchable. My surroundings freeze as I picture her smile in my mind, remembering even the faintest of details, like how her lips are always chapped somewhere. And the cut on the left side of her mouth, a line even redder than her lips themselves. Somehow, I seem to be drawing more attention to myself than ever, even the teachers seem shook by my presence.

As soon as the bell rings for the last time today, I rush to my locker, trying desperately to avoid the guys on the team. But of course, Devon appears out of nowhere, ruffling my hair.

"Connor! Are you ready for practice? I heard coach is gonna make us do drills for an entire hour. Who does he think we are? We're not the football team!"

My eyes widen. "Yeah, sure. Sounds great."

"Get your stuff, we'll walk together," he beams, squeezing my shoulder.

"No, no. Go ahead, I have a phone call to make anyway."

The darkness that spreads throughout my body as his lips curl downwards is indescribable. It goes to my brain, clouding all judgment, seeps through my veins, slowly eating at me. As it reaches my heart, though, it stops, and the darkness falls. I smile at him reassuringly. Relief is inevitable as he turns and leaves, and I can finally grab my physics book and leave. My car makes a strange noise when I turn the key, but for all I know, it's the faint guilt I feel, causing me to hallucinate, like in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'.

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