Chapter Four - Blackhell's Principal

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I can imagine a million better things to wake up to on a Saturday morning than my mother yelling at me to get out of bed and hearing her do the exact same thing in the room next to mine. Apparently Principal Wells had called her, telling her that I had skipped school and apparently so had Chloe. I can actually imagine that. She didn't really care about her scholarship at Blackhell anymore. That stopped 2008.

I climbed out of bed and walked to my closet, pulled out my usual gray cardigan and a black jeans. I got into my black boots and went ahead to brush my hair and applied some make up. I didn't use much, just a little mascara and eyeliner. I left my bedroom and walked downstairs, almost walking into Chloe. She stopped walking as she saw me, while I just walked past her downstairs. "Clare, eat something!" My mother said and I groaned and sat down at the table, while my mom placed some scrambled eggs in front of me. "Do I really have to eat that?" I asked. "Yes, you need to eat" She said as Chloe sat down beside me.

"Don't you think I know that?" I asked and took the fork. "Why do you even try mom? She won't eat no matter how much you yell at her" Chloe said. "I ate yesterday" I told her. "I don't believe you!" She said. "What do you want? Photos of me eating?" I asked her upset. "Yes, why not?" She asked. "Seriously? That was a joke!" "She doesn't get it, so why do you fucking try?" Chloe asked while eating. "Why don't you just go back to hating me!?" I asked, got up and stormed out "I'm waiting in the car"

Not a long time later mom and Chloe came and got into the car and of course a short time later David appeared as well and got onto the driver's seat. As soon as the car door was closed, I started feeling anxious, but as soon as I thought about Frank, I calmed down. Like this I survived the car ride over to Blackhell. We all got out of the car and mom walked towards the school building while Chloe and I walked after her. Inside we met up with two adults and a girl. The girl was Rachel Amber. What? What is Rachel Amber do here?

A short time later we entered Wells' office and sat down on the chairs, while Mr. and Mrs. Amber were standing behind their daughter and mom was standing behind Chloe and I. "You're behavior yesterday was unacceptable. Trespassing, skipping school and the list goes on and on!" Principal Wells said, while I looked into the emptiness. I didn't even hear what exactly he was saying. Not until I heard the world expelled. "What?" I asked. "I said, Miss Amber will lose her role in The Tempest play and your sister will be expelled!" Principal Wells said. "What? But skipping school wasn't their fault!" I interrupted them. "How do you mean that?" He asked. "You saw me yesterday morning. I had a breakdown and Chloe found me after you left. Then Rachel walked past us and asked if we need help and Chloe said no, but Rachel wouldn't listen to her"

"Then why didn't you bring her to the nurse's office?" Principal Wells asked. "Because it would only make it worse. When I get my break down's I need to get away from everything and everyone and the only way to get away was if Chloe came with me and Rachel didn't believe that Chloe could handle me alone" I lied, making sure to save both of them. "Is that so Miss Amber? Miss Price?" He asked the two. "Yes, that's true" Chloe said. "It's true, I couldn't let Chloe leave alone with her sister. I was sure that Chloe couldn't handle Clare on her own" Rachel played along.

"Okay, well. I guess Rachel, you're still in the play and Chloe, you're still a student at Blackwell" Principal Wells said. "Thank you Principal Wells!" I said.  "Let's go girls" Mom said and walked towards the door, but the two of us didn't move. "Chloe! Clare!" She warned and the two of us got up and walked out. In front of the principal's office, mom went to talk to Rachel's parents, while she came over to us. "Clare, I don't know how to thank you" Rachel said and hugged me. I felt uncomfortable, but I let her. "I still don't get why you would do that" Chloe said and Rachel and I broke our hug. "You're still my sister Chloe, even if we don't like each other anymore, which I get after what happened, but that doesn't mean I want you to get expelled. If my condition is worth for something, then this" I said. "I don't know how to thank you Clare" She said and I gave her a small smile.

"But wait, did you really have a break down?" Chloe asked. "No, just a panic attack after getting out of the car" I said. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I was long gone by then" She said. "I don't blame you, it's okay. You can't always be there when I break down or have a panic attack" I said. "Wait, was David there?" She asked. "Yeah, the car was still there" I told her and she got angry immediately. "Are you coming girls?" Mom asked and I took a deep breath. "Meet me at the junkyard later" Rachel said to Chloe before she left with her parents.

Back at the car Chloe walked towards David immediately. "You fucking asshole!" She snapped at him. "Chloe!" Mom said shocked. "My sister has a panic attack right in front of you eyes and  shithead did nothing! You just let it happen!" She yelled. "Excuse me?!" He asked. "You just let her have that panic attack and you didn't care! You couldn't care less!" Chloe continued yelling, while I just stood there and watched. When I noticed that Chloe got angrier I grabbed her hand "I need to get away from here" I said "Come with me Chloe" I said, making a step towards her. "Okay" She said, looking at me. I took a step back and Chloe followed me. "Clare!" Mom yelled, but I kept walking. I didn't want to talk to her anymore.

I don't know how much time later we were at the junkyard. "Is this where you were yesterday? With Rachel Amber?" I asked her as we walked onto the property. "What makes you think I spent yesterday with Rachel Amber?" She asked. "Hey, I saved your ass! The least you can do is give me an answer" I snapped at her. "Okay fine..." Chloe said hesitating "It's one of the places Rachel and I were yesterday" "Are those train tracks?" I asked, walking closer. "Yes and they are unsupervised as well" She said. "Mom would kill you if she knew you brought me here" I told her and walked closer to the tracks. "Yeah, then she would kill you for coming here with me" Chloe said and pulled me away from the tracks. This girl ain't no fun!

"Want one?" She asked, holding a cigarette towards me. "No thank you. I don't think they are really helpful in my position" I told her. "It's a cigarette, not a joint. Sadly I don't have any since that asshead took my last one" She cursed. Okay, maybe she is fun, in her own kind of way.

"Hey, look at this beauty!" She said, walking towards an old truck that looked like it was going to fall apart any second from now. Presumably why it was on a junkyard. "It's not gonna work" I told her. "Not with that attitude" She replied and opened the hood. She took a look at the inside of the truck, then lifted something out. "Guessing that's the motor" I said. "True that genius" She replied, letting it fall to the ground "Definitely not working anymore" She said and looked at me leaning against the truck.

"Are you just going to stand there or help me find a motor for this thing?" She asked and I pushed myself away from the truck and followed her.

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