Chapter Eleven - Principal Wells Can Be Nice?

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Frank appeared a short time later with his RV and I got inside and sat down on the ground, immediately giving Pompidou some of my attention, while Frank drove off again. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. "To be honest, I'm done talking about it" I said "Can you drive me to Blackwell?" "You called me to drive you to school?" He asked. "Yeah, weird I know, but I really wasn't up to walking and just needed some distraction. You know how it is" I said and he sighed. "Well, Pompidou missed you" He said, changing the topic which I was honestly thankful for. "I missed this little guy too! He's so fucking adorable, I can't even believe it" I said, trying to keep him and his tongue away from my face. "When I was little I always wanted a dog, but dad sadly came home with a cat. Don't get me wrong, I loved little Bongo, but I'm just not a cat person" I told him.

"We can share Pompidou if you want to" He said and I smiled "He usually hates other people" "I guess he knows who he can trust and who not. Hopeless cases united" I said. "I have some business to take care of later, would you mind taking Pompidou out for a walk. I don't want him to be here when they come" Frank said. "Sure, do you own a leash and a collar?" I asked. "A what?" He asked confused. "Wow, first you want to feed your puppy some steak, then ask what it is way he pees on the floor and now you don't even own a leash nor a collar" I said. "Let's make a deal, you pick me up later and drive me to town and I'll buy the needed stuff" I said. "Deal" He replied and stopped the RV. "What time should I be here?" He asked. "One and a half hour" I replied. "Got it" He said as I said my goodbye to the puppy and got out, making sure the little guy stays inside.

As soon as the door was closed, the RV drove off and I hurried into the school building and of course the first person I ran into was the dear Principal Wells. "Clare" He said. "I'm sorry Principal Wells, it was an emergency. I won't skip again, I promise!" I said. "Don't worry Miss Price, Mr. Prescott has already informed me. Just make sure it won't happen again" He said. "Of course Principal Wells, thank you" I said and went to my class, confused as hell, but I tried to hide it while sitting in English AP.

Once it was done, I hurried to the drama lab to find Nathan. He was still talking to Mr. Keaton, the drama teacher. "Hey" I said in a soft voice, placing my hand on his arm. "Hey" He said, smiling at me, before returning to his conversation with Keaton. I had absolutely no idea what it was about, nor did I really care to listen. I just stood there, my hand still on Nathan's arm until he said goodbye to his teacher and looked at me "I didn't think you come that early" He said surprised. "Yeah, me neither... Chloe and I got into a fight, a huge one and I basically ran off, telling her that I give a damn about what happens to her. I feel guilty, but also relieved. I don't get it" I said as he put his arm around me.

"Siblings fight, but they also make up again Clare. I wouldn't worry too much about it" He said, rubbing my arm, giving me a little confidence although I did doubt that everything will be alright again. "But what did you tell Principal Wells?" I asked him as he picked up his bag. "The truth" "That I'm going to look for my sister, who is skipping school?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised. "No silly, I told him that you have a family emergency and that you had to leave immediately and asked me to inform him" He told me. "And he bought that?" I asked confused. "Looks like it, besides it wasn't a lie, was it?" He said. "I guess you are right" I said as we walked towards the dormitory.

"Will you come upstairs with me?" He asked. "No, I'm sorry I can't. I already have plans, but... I'm free tomorrow" I said, teasing him a little. "I'll see you tomorrow after school then" He said and kissed my forehead, before entering the building. I watched him disappear before going to the other side of the campus to the parking lot. Frank's RV was already parked in it. I hurried over and wanted to open the door, but it was locked. "Frank? Frankie? It's me, Clare" I said and walked around it, to see if he was inside. It seemed like he wasn't. Weird.

I grabbed my phone to see if I had a message from him, but I didn't. "Guess I have to wait then" I said to myself and jumped onto the stone wall, sitting down on it and going through my social media. "You're early" Frank said as he finally arrived. "No, you're late" I told him and jumped down, but tripped. Luckily Frank caught me in time. "Thanks" I said as he put me onto my feet. "So, the pet shop?" He asked, totally ignoring what had just happened. "Yes indeed" I said and climbed in after him, picking little Pompidou up on the way. "Mmh little guy? How do you like the color pink?" I asked the little dog. "No pink!" Frank said as he started  the RV up. "What? Why not? It's a pretty color" I said. He didn't realize that I was joking, how fucking cute.

"Black. Black is the only color this dog will wear" He said and I started laughing, sitting down on the passenger seat "Pull a joint to calm down" I said "Or how you stoners say that" I added a little insecure. "Drug talk doesn't suit you" He said. "I know, there is a reason I never had anything to do with them" I told him. "And now you're here. That's how fast it can go" He said. "Yeah, life is strange" I said to him, watching the buildings pass us as he stopped in front of the shop. "I'll call you once I'm done" He said and I nod "Come here little boy" I said and Pompidou ran over to me, making it easy for me to pick him up "Got it, see you later then" I said and left the RV with the dog, then watched Frank drive off. "Let's go my little friend" I said and entered the shop with him.

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