Chapter Twenty Five - American Rust Gossip

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"Do you have a plan how we will figure out things about you?" I asked Rachel as we were sitting on the trunk of some old car at American Rust. "Honestly, no. It's not like we can just walk about to her and ask what her deal is" Rachel said and even though I did think about that, we couldn't do that. "We could try going via Frank" Rachel suggested. "No, that won't work. He already told me everything he knows and it's nothing we already knew" I said and lied back "In fact I told him things he didn't know yet, so he's a dead end" "Do you have no idea how to continue?" Rachel asked. "Honestly, no. Well, there is one last person I can ask, but he's dangerous, like hella dangerous" I said. "Hella?" She asked laughing. "Oh god, I already spent way too much time with you already" I said.

"Oh shut up! You know you love me!" "You're like the female best friend I never had" I said to her as she lied back as well. "Well, I feel honored then" She said and I rolled my eyes. "You're such a freak Rachel Amber!" I said, she once again only laughed. "Do you happen to have a car?" I asked her. "Clare, I just turned sixteen and I don't even have my driver's license yet" She said to me. "Well, it was worth a try. You don't get anywhere in this freaking town without a car. That's just one of the things I hate about Arcadia Bay" I said and got up, starting to kick some trash around.

"Let's talk about something else" Rachel suddenly said. This topic wasn't easy for her and I did understand that. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked her curious. "You and Nathan" "Oh god.." I whined. "Give me the dirt! Come on!" Rachel said and I groaned "There is no dirt. We're going out, I met his family, he met my mom and that's it" I told her. "Boring! What about the dirty secrets you are keeping from me?" She asked. "I don't know what you are talking about, but there aren't any. Nathan and I are just happy and young, kissing is enough for us" I said. "Boring, did you ever do anything exciting with a boy or a girl?" She asked. "I told you, the furthest I went was kiss a guy" I said. "You never kissed a girl?" She asked surprised. "No, why would I? I'm not into them" I told her.

"Are you sure? Maybe you just haven't met the right one yet" She said. "Rachel Amber, are you flirting with me? The sister of your girlfriend?" I asked her. "Obviously no, but I'm curious. You really never experimented or anything like that?" "Rachel, I spent the last two years locked away in my room, barely even talking to mom or Chloe, so no. I never had any of those experiments!" "Maybe we can change that" Rachel suddenly said and one of my drawings reappeared in my head. I had almost forgotten about it. It was showing me and Rachel about to kiss and now that was seriously about to happen?!

"What kind of shit are saying now?" I asked her, but she had already moved closer, placing her hands on my waist

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"What kind of shit are saying now?" I asked her, but she had already moved closer, placing her hands on my waist. "You Price's have something special that fascinates me, you know that?" "My mom fascinates you?" "No, but Chloe and you" She said and pulled me closer.  "Rachel, what are you doing?" I asked her, feeling uncomfortable. Rachel didn't answer. She kissed me. Just like the drawing said she would.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it happened. After Rachel pulled away because I was paralyzed from the shock, she looked at me like she was trying to analyze me. "So?" She asked curious. "Nope, definitely not gay" I told her. "Well at least now you can say that you at least experimented and not just assumed" She said. She acted like the kiss wasn't a big deal, but it was too me. You don't just kiss people, well I guess unless you are Rachel Amber. "Yeah, could have lived without that experience pretty well" "You say that now, but someday you will thank me" "We'll see about that"

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow? I mean, I can call Frank to pick me up, so he can help me figure out everything I can about your past" I said. "Talk to you tomorrow" Rachel said, briefly hugged me and walked off. I watched her disappear before I called Frank. I waited for him walking around American Rust. I never really had the chance to look around this place.

My face turned pale when I saw the rest of one car. It was old, rusty and damaged and it seemed like someone attacked it way after the accident it was in two years ago. I was staring at my dad's old car. Our old car. "Dad" I said and started feeling the tears run down my cheeks once again. I walked around the car and climbed inside. "Dad" I said again. I didn't know this was still here. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them and started crying.

I had no idea how much time later I heard someone call my name. "Clare!" It was Frank. "Clare!" He yelled again. I couldn't answer, my tears were taking all ability to speak away from me.

"Clare" His voice was now much softer and a lot closer. I looked up and saw him kneeing in front of the car door. "It's gonna be okay" He said and put one of his hands onto my knee. "No, no it's not" I told him. He opened the damaged door and sat down beside me, making me move over a bit. "What's wrong Clare?" He asked, putting his arms around me. "This was my dad's car. This is where he died" I said. "Do you want to get out of here?" He asked concerned. "Actually no, not yet" I said and lied my head onto his shoulder, letting him wrap his arm around me.

"What was the craziest thing you ever did?" Frank suddenly asked. "To this day? Either befriending the local drug dealer or kissing a girl" I told him. "Doesn't sound too bad, the second part" He said. "It's when you're not into girls, besides why is befriending you a bad decision? You saved my life" "So what? I'm still a bad guy" "You're not Frank! You're a great guy and every woman can be happy to have you" I said.

I looked at Frank, into his eyes. I saw the warmth they gave me. He showed me that some people do care about me. "What are we doing tomorrow night?" I asked him. "Nothing, because I'm busy" "Busy how?" I asked him. "A gig" "A gig?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. "Can I come?" "Not a place for you" He said, but I didn't want to hear that shit. "Don't you dare call me too young for that! I missed out on so many teenage experience, take me with you. Make me forget about this hellhole!" "Fine, I'll pick you up tomorrow" "Will you bring me home now?" "Let's go" He said and helped me out of the car, then walked me to the RV.

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