#3 "Healing Bus"

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Short Imagines (Junhui#3)

You are riding on a bus on the way to your home. You looked around and realized that you are the only one riding alone on that bus, with the driver of course!

Breathing in and out, you whispered, "My healing bus."

Why do you call it like that? Cause every time you rode alone on that bus, you have time to meditate from this busy world that makes your body and mind in a messy state.

The bus stopped and based on your experienced, you aren't expecting that someone would take this bus along with you, like, hello? It is already 2:45am. However, a man with a hoodie and black mask appeared. And surprisingly, he chose to sit beside you among the empty seats around.

What? A thief? A psychopath? Those thoughts stopped your breathing, not until he spoke to you.

"Still riding your healing bus in this hour?" the mystery man asked.

Your eyes widen by the fact that you probably knew this man. "J-Jun?" you asked.

He took his mask off and faces you. "Long time no see," he whispered.

It is your close friend, Wen Junhui, or known as Jun of Seventeen. He was your classmate/seatmate/bestmate in high school. Now, because he debuted as an idol and currently in popularity rising artist, it is rare to talk nor see him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" You asked him with a smile on your face. You missed this old friend so bad.

"Is that what you are going to say after years? Not, 'I miss you' something like that?" He pouted.

"Hahaha, okay okay. I miss you. So what are you doing here? Is this a coincidence or what?"

"What do you think babe?" he smirked before putting his arm on your shoulder.

"Ewwww. Don't call me 'babe'. Anyway, what is your purpose on meeting me Mr.Wen?" You took off his arm from your shoulder.

"Oh, because, I heard a bad news Mrs.Wen." He put his arm back on your shoulder again

"Mrs.Wen my ass," you chuckled. "What bad news? Spill it." You stared at him with a worried face.

He holds your hand with his other hand and gently massage it. He likes doing it since then, but it felt different today. Well, you admit that your friend looks hotter and sexier tahn before. Oh my god! What did your mind said again?!

"I opened our GC and heard that you are dating a guy named Loius. Is that true?" He leaned closer checking your eyes.

But you laughed instantly. "Woah, hahahah! It is not actually a bad news but a fake news my friend."

He smiled by that fact, "So it is not true?!"

"Sort of?" you answered.

So he frowned again. "So you are dating uh?"

"Uhmmm, no? He is courting me."

"Y-You like him?" he stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering?" you chuckled.

"Nothing is funny. Don't laugh," he glared at you.

But you continued, "Haha why? Don't look at me like that. It is scary. And also, what's wrong in dating him? I am still single, sexy free and single."

He didn't respond but stared at you closely.

"What?" you curiously asked.

The arm on your shoulder went on your back and pushes you towards him. It is so fast that when you opened your eyes, you realized that he is kissing you. You put your hands on his chest to stopped him but his other hand held your nape and he deepened the kiss.

He pulled back after claiming your lips and whispered, " I went here to tell you that you are mine. Don't go out with other guy cause you are definitely mine. Got that Mrs. Wen?"

You blinked your eyes, trying to understand what's going on.

He pecked on your lips before the bus stopped. He stood up and said, "until next time babe. Let's see each other here on your bus and promise me you will kiss back. Well, i am a good kisser and I can teach you how." He winked before he walked away.

Wow, what a healing bus.

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