#131 "Love Starts When..." (part 3)

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My morning started when the girls shouted from here and there.

"Daebak he is a prince!"

"He looks like a perfect piece of art!"

"Waaah! I thought I saw a living statue!"

I wonder who is the guy they were referring to. Is he a transfer student? New teacher? Well, whoever he is, I think I don't have enough time to add another guy in my messy love life.

Teache Minghao seems to have a special girl in his life. My closest friend, Seungkwan, confessed at me a week ago. Since that day, he skipped attending our classes. I can't go to his house and ask how's he doing. THAT'S TOO AWKWARD! Also, it will be hard to approach teacher Minghao. I saw him getting kissed by another woman. My heart still hearts whenever I remembered it.


Why do I live such a tiring life as the main lead of this love story?

"Yah (y/n)!" A loud voice woke me up from spacing out. I looked back and saw my classmate, Aeron.

"What?" I asked in bored look.

"The Prince is looking for you!" Aeron exclaimed while pointing the door's direction.

What prince is she talking about?

When I looked there, I saw a man that mad realize that Leonardo De Carpio  really do exist. He looks like a Disney Prince who just came out from a 3-D fairy tale movies.

The Prince smiled and waved at me. "Hi (y/n)."


I came out from my class room with this unknown pretty guy. Of course, I choose a place where no one used to passed by. Speaking of this place, now that I looked around...


Okay back to the topic, I stared at this pretty prince who keeps on smiling sweetly on me. What's with those smiles?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Vernon, Chwe Vernon."

"I am not talking about your name. I mean... what are you?"

"A human being?"

Is he joking at me?!

"Hey pretty boy. Huh. I know you look handsome as prince, but don't you know that my time is precious like gold? I am not like those girls who will bowed my face on the ground while adoring you, so can you please say what you really want to say? Don't beat around the bush!"

His eyes widened, before he chuckled, "Easy. You really are a hot tempered just like I heard."

What is he talking about?

"Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Vernon Chwe, I am from New York and I am your friend's cousin."

"Friend? I only have one friend." Wait. Did he mean...?

"Seungkwan. I am Seungkwan's cousin."

What?! This awesome guy is Seungkwan's cousin?! Why doesn't Seungkwan tell me that he has a prince like cousin?! I feel betrayed. Hmp. Ah! This is not the right time to think this.

"A-Ah, s-so... you are my friend's cousing h-huh?" Argh. Why am I stuttering?

Just because we suddenly talked about Seungkwan, his confession plays inside my head again and again.

"Seungkwan," Vernon broke the awkward silence.  "We usually talked once in a week. And in the middle of our talks, he never forget to tell something about you. And so, I remembered your name. Also, I almost write a complete dictionary of your life miss (y/n). Seungkwan told me how you fart when eating your lunch, your mouth is wide opened when you are asleep and even getting constipated because you loves to eat pig feet so much."

Seungkwan revealed all of my weakness to this guy. Huh. That idiot. I'm sure I need to get angry by now... but why do I feel so good? My heart beating so fast as I remembered those memories.

"Really huh?" I responded with a smile. "So you came here for Seungkwan?"

"Hmmm, not really. I came here for you. Besides, Seungkwan and I already met at the airport a moment ago. Actually he maybe doesn't know that I am here to meet you."

"Ehh? Why do you want to meet me?"

"Let's see," He looked up the sky before continuing. "It's been two years since Seungkwan started to talked about you. Apparently, I got interested. Everyday, I always wonder what you'll do, how weird you are, how does it feel to date a girl like you and why do I keep on getting interested about your life. (y/n)..." He looked me in the eye and started to walks closer.

"W-What?" I managed to respond after taking one step behind.

"It is my wish to meet you. And... to personally ask you something."

"W-What thing?"

He leaned closer, about few inches away. And so, I held my breath and made a huge gulped as I saw his handsome face near mine.

He smile before saying the words, "Can I be your boyfriend?"

I, as (y/n), started my teen age life as an ordinary girl without any experience in dating romantically. When Teacher Minghao came to my life, I told myself that I am already in love. I got hurt when I saw a girl kissed him, and while in pain, my closest friend suddenly confessed his feelings to me. Now, my friend's cousin came to my life and asked a question I can't answer that quickly.

In the middle of narrating my whole life inside my head, a man came and he said...


By that man's voice, I can tell  whose the owner of it. We both looked at that man and saw teacher Minghao standing beside us.

"Oh? Uncle Minghao," Vernon greeted.

He called him Uncl--

Wait, did I heard it wrong?




"Yow Vernon-nie, when did you came back? My sister didn't tell me anything," teacher Minghao greeted.

"Wait!" I shouted and they both looked at me. "Teacher Minghao is... your... uncle? I mean, blodd-related uncle?"

Vernon nodded and answered, "Yeah. Seungkwan didn't tell you? He is our uncle. My mother and Seungkwan's mother are Uncle Minghao's sisters."



My love story won't be simple.

A/N: WANT ANOTHER PART?! Don't forget to leave comments ^^

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