#173 "My Stupid Celebrity"

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Seungcheol, a top star celebrity is sitting inside a crappy and small apartment. It's been months since his entertainment company asked you to be his secret tutor. To avoid gossips and scandals, he goes to your apartment once a week.

"I would like to have a pizza," he said while his feet are above the desk and wearing a sunglasses.

You took a  deep breath. "Yah. How long are you going to act like a prince? For your information, your company begged me to help you pass the college entrance exam. I think it is not right to act arroggant inside my own house."

He put down his feet. "I know I know. You are full of nag. Anyway, what happen to your room? It gets darker than before."

You pointed the sunglasses he is wearing. "Take it off and your life will get  brighter, you stupid actor."

Seungcheol took off his shades and got amazed. "Woah. Haha!" But he frowned when he remembered you saying the word 'stupid'. "Hey. How can you treat me so harsh? Don't you know how popular I am? Every girls out there are dying for me."

"I don't care. Celebrities are just a highly paid entertainer. Besides, you are just a good-looking idiot."


"Open your book to page 145."

"I don't want!" he sulked as he pouted his lips. "I am smart enough."

"Oh really?" you teased. "1+1?"

"2," he answered proudly.




"8. 16. 32. 64. 128. 256. Five hundred-"

"Shut up."

He laughed, "hahahahahaha!"

"Argh! You really made my life so short Choi Seungcheol," you complained as you put your chin above the desk.

Seungcheol leaned closer, making a small gap in between. "But you brought colors to my life," he said. Then he smiled.

They way he stares at you, the way you felt his breath brushing on your cheek, and the way he smiled questioned you a very weird thoughts inside your head: "Why does my heart beating so fast?"

"Hey pig. Why are you staring me like that? Were you amazed of my god-like beauty?" he teased.

You quickly shove his face away, still breathing heavily.

"Ahhh!" he winced in pain. "You-!"

Then the doorbell rings. ~ding dong~

For some reason, you feel save by the bell. If it is the electric bill or water bill collector, you didn't care. The most important thing is to escape from this awkward thoughts running in your smart brain.

"I'll get it!" You stood up and dashed into the door. "Who is there?" Then you opened it.

The moment you saw the person standing in front made your heart skipped a beat.

~"Why is Mingyu sunbaenim is here?!"~ you exclaimed with no sounds.

"Ah," Mingyu mumbled, slightly speechless after he scanned at you from head to toe. The thing is, you are only wearing an old loose white shirt and hello kitty printed pajamas. Also, you are not wearing a make up and your hair is as messy like you just  woke up from bed.

"Oh my god," you muttered, wishing to disappeared like a bubbles in front of your long time crush.

Mingyu chuckled. "This is my first time seeing you without our school uniform."

Slowly, you covered the half of your face. "W-Why are you here sunbae?"

He forged a cough as he stood straight. "Ah. The School Comittees are worried after you stopped coming to our weekend's meeting. That's why I'm here to check if--"

"Who are you talking to?" Scoups meddled, peeking behind your back.

When Mingyu met gazes on Scoups, he now couldn't utter any words. The two of them stared at each other, exchange lightning stares, while you are now shaking because of the fear of  being find out.

The company told you to never tell anyone the fact that you will be  their top star's tutor. And so, you quickly make an unbelievable excuse. "Mingyu sunbaenim! He is not the Choi Seungcheol you saw on t.v. He is not! I promise! He just look like him!"

Seungcheol laughed, "Pfft, you are so idiot pig. What kind of excuse is that?"

"I don't care if he is a celebrity or what," Mingyu replied while clenching his fists. "My only concern is... what does a healthy man doing inside this house with a lady like you, (y/n)?" Mingyu shifted his eyes on you, a very serious stare.

Seungcheol smile faded away, especially when he saw your blushing cheeks for Mingyu.  "Why do you care?" Seungcheol asked back in irritated tone.

"Because I like (y/n)," Mingyu answered.

Your eyes widened, didn't expect that the guy you cherished for a very long time will make a sudden confession!

Seungcheol  wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. Then he said while smirking, "Too bad Mr. tall guy. (y/n) already has a lover. This is the reason why she can't and won't come to your stupid comittee meeting. Because we spend our weekends inside her room. Ah, one more thing," He pointed Mingyu with his index finger before continuing, "I am a celebrity and I hope you will not tell this to my beloved fans. I am asking this in a man to man way. Shsssh?"

Then Seungcheol closed the door and left the frustrated Kim Mingyu outside.


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