#83 "Real Him" (part 4)

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Jun took a deep breath before fixing his eyes on his new seat mate.

"Yow bro," his seatmate greeted him with a smirk written on his face.

That was so insulting for Jun. He looked away and clenched the pen on his hand, a grip full of anger, hatred and jealousy. He couldn't forget the way that man named Minghao, kissed your lips in front of him. "That was bullsh*t!" He shouted inside his mind while his lip are pursed and in straight line.

"Why did you choose to sit beside me?" Jun said while gritting his teeth.

"Oh," Minghao exclaimed. He leaned closer and whispered, "Perhaps, you knew this famous saying: Keep your enemies on your side. That's why." He chuckled and focus on their teacher discussing an usual boring math equation lessons.

Jun bit his lower lip and adjust his collar to catch some air to breath. He is really irritated right now!

"Who are you?" He asked Minghao without looking back and pretending he is listening to their teacher.

"(y/n)'s lover," Minghao lied. The truth is, he is just your cousin...A COUSIN WHO TOOK YOUR FIRST KISS YESTERDAY!

"Don't lie jerk. (y/n) doesn't have any boyfriend," Jun marked.

Minghao chuckled and looked back at him again. "What about you? Who are you?" Then his smile faded away.

Jun stared and their eyes met in blazing flame deep within.

"Don't tell me, you like my (y/n)?" Minghao said in low tone.

If Jun gonna answer that question, it will be a big YES! However...

"You like her despite of having a clingy girl inside the library? I saw you kissing another girl," MInghao added that dried Jun's mind, throat and lips.

"I-I am..." Jun about to answer, stuttering.

"Stop messing with her. Or else, I'll kill you," MInghao warned with his hand gesturing a gun right in front of Jun's face.

"Go ahead, kill me if you want," Jun answered. "But let me tell you this, I.WON'T.LET.YOU. LAID.YOUR. HANDS.TO.MY.GIRL.AGAIN." and then he let out a smirk.

But surprisingly, Minghao burst into laughter. "Pfffft buhwahahahahaha!"

He got the attention of everbody even their teacher. "Hey you! Transfer student, why are you laughing?! Do you want to die?!" The teacher yelled.

MInghao stood up, still laughing as he got his bag. "Sorry teacher. But I need to go to my girlfriend house. She is sick and she needs me."

"Yah! Don't mess me around you kid! Sit down!" The teacher warned while pointing him.

But Minghao didn't listen and took a step away. He stopped half way and walks closer to Jun. "I will go to (y/n)'s house to visit her," he whispered. "She is sick so I will give her medicine. What should I give her? Can you help me choose between; Kiss, hickeys, or something more than that?"

Jun stood up, he kicked the table before he grabbed Minghao's collar.


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