#126 "What is Love?"

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"Love... is like a toothpaste. Always out of stock," Scoups shared.

"Love... is like a bed, warm and comforting," Jeonghan said.

Joshua also added, "Love... is like a chocolate pizza." Then he got his guitar and sing a song about chocolate pizza.

" I hope to have a date on this month," Junhui wished as he looked up the ceiling.

"Then go get a girl," Wonwoo suggested while eating cheese burger.

"Imagine having a girl who can hug me all night. Waaa! I cannot... waaa!" Dokyeom exclaimed, blushing as he hugs his own body.

"It will be more romantic if you can kiss her all night," Minghao said while holding his lips.

"Hahha! No limit kiss?! I love that," Hoshi agreed as he smiles cutely like a hamster.

"If I have a date," Mingyu shared. "We will cook together, eat together and wash the dish together. Ahhh~ I would love to give her a back hug while we wash the dishes."

"Or you can put apron on her, gosh! That will be romantic," Seungkwan suggested.

"Hahaha," Vernon just laughed with his reddened cheeks as he imagined it all.

"Indeed, loving someone is exciting," the maknae, Dino, said.

Heart is flying around the practice room of Pledis building, as the members talk about love and dating. But one person didn't give his opinion at all. It was...

"Woozi hyung, how about you? What do you think about love? Or loving someone?" Seungkwan asked him when he saw Woozi sitting at the corner and watching them in secret.

There was an awkward silence in between as Woozi just stared at them with a blank face.

"Eyyy, woozi is not into romance," Wonwoo said to break the silence.

"He can make songs about love, but he can't be romantic when it comes to dating. Haha!" Hoshi added.

The members laughed, just to tease this cute yet serious guy.

Woozi stood up and mumbled. "Idiots."

So the members got frozen, worried that their jokes went far.

Woozi walks out, leaving the members in shocked by his cold reaction.

Did Woozi really got mad by those jokes? Wasn't it true that he is not a romantic guy at all?

The answer is...NO. He didn't get mad nor accepted the fact that he is an unromantic guy. Because the main reason is...YOU.

Woozi went inside to his studio. Luckily, he saw you inside so he decided to lock the door.

"Oh, you are here," you greeted as you finished fixing the papers.

Woozi walks towards. "What are you doing?"

"Preparing for your fan signing tomorrow," you answered.

"Ahhh," Woozi mumbled before hugging you from behind.

Amuse and surprised by his sudden move, you blinked your eyes along with your beating heart. "Y-Yah what are you doing uji-yah? What if somebody sees us?"

Woozi buried his lips near to your neck. Thank goodness, you are shorter than him. And then he whispered, "I locked the door...BABE."

Babe. One word and one syllable. But to hear it from a guy like Woozi, it sounds oh so different; making you fluttered and unalarmed.

No one knows this secret relationship between an idol and  you as the Pledis' staffs. And it would be better to keep it as a secret. So you have been dating in secret for almost a year. Its hard, yet exciting at the same time.

"Are you tired? Something happened?" You asked, glancing at the man hugging you from behind.



"The members are all idiot," Woozi said while pouting.

You let out a small laugh before facing him and cupping his cheeks. "Aigooo, my boyfriend is sulking. Why? What did they do?"

"They said, I am not a romantic guy and I know nothing about love. Tsss, they are complete idiot. They didn't know that I have someone like you I cherished everyday," he said while pouting.

His face, his words, simply his presence, makes you fluttered and blushed. "U-Uji. You know you are being so sweet today. And right, they didn't know you can be this romantic and gentle."

Woozi, slowly met your gaze.

The studio filled with hot air coming from his eyes, eyes adoring you and cherishing you at this time.

"Also, there is something they didn't know to," woozi added before letting a smirk out.

His smirk alarmed you, and so you stepped back. "W-What?"

Woozi pulled your waist closer and whispered, "That I am a possesive guy too." And then he pulled you for a simple kiss that turns into a hot ...FRENCH KISS.


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