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Madelyn’s POV

“I love that smell of newborns. It’s intoxicating.” Selena and I were still staring at Olivia. We were convinced she was one of the cutest babies ever.

“It makes me want another one.” I admitted for the first time out loud. Selena just stared at me, waiting for an explanation. “I know its crazy. I haven’t wanted a baby, well ever. I didn’t ever have that chance to try for a baby, I just always ended up pregnant. But now, right at this moment, I want to. I want a baby. Which is so ironic seeing as my husband is a thousand miles away sleeping with someone else. I don’t have a marriage, but I want a baby. What’s wrong with me, Sel?”

“I think it’s just the baby smell getting to you.” She laughed, taking Olivia from me. “Madelyn, you were ready to have an abortion the last time. I don’t think you really want another baby. But hold on just a second, what is this about Justin sleeping with someone? Did he tell you that?”

“I called his hotel room. I was going to apologize. And Nicole the whore answered. She said Justin was in the shower.”

“And you just assumed they were in the shower together?”

“Why the hell would he shower when someone was there? And I hate the fact she was in his room at all, let alone late at night while he’s taking a shower.”

“Maybe you should call him and get his side of the story?”

“Maybe. But right now I just want to sit here and snuggle with this cutie.” I took Olivia back, taking in the sweet baby smell that went along with her.

Justin’s POV

I didn’t know if I should even try to call Madelyn, so I didn’t. For a while I just sat, trying to decide what to do. I watched a british television show and tried to fall asleep, but my brain wouldn’t stop for long enough. I finally decided to try and call home.

“Hello?” Kingston answered the phone.

“Hey buddy! How are you?”

“I’m great. Alfredo took us to the aquarium today. We had so much fun.”

“Is your mom there?”

“Nope. Just Fredo. He even promised he would sleep over again tonight!”

“Alright, well I’m going to go then. I love you, bud.”

“Love you, Dad.” 

I was more than upset when I heard that Alfredo was at my house and planning on sleeping over over. He was my best friend; how could he be doing this to me? More importantly, how was Madelyn doing this to me? We were supposed to be taking a break in order to get our marriage back on track, not to sleep with other people. 

I wanted to call Madelyn’s cellphone. I wanted to yell at her. But I knew at this point, that could completely ruin my marriage. But, what I was about to do was going to be even more detrimental, if Madelyn found out.

“Hey, did you change your mind?” She whispered into the phone. 

“Something like that. Come over?”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

Madelyn’s POV

Selena and I stayed at the hospital for a couple of hours with Paige. It was fun to see her embracing motherhood now, since she had been so against it for the last nine months. 

“I think we’ll get to go home tonight.” Paige smiled as we gathered our things to leave. I handed her back Olivia, who had been asleep almost the entire time.

Be Alright: Somebody To Love #6Where stories live. Discover now