Chapter 24

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 I stayed frozen in place, hidden, waiting to hear what else they would say.

-Nope. She slept with me at the pool party. She was drunk but who am I to care? And allow me to say…Her moans, are sexy as hell. Gabriel told him ironically. My heart was beating faster and my cheeks were burning. I was tempted between going out there and slap Gabriel, or stay were I was hidden and able to hear more. I chose the second one.

-Damn it. Vincent whispered. Gosh he was gonna hate me now. He was gonna hate me and he will be right.

-I slept with both of them, I won the bet Vincent. So give it up. Remember our deal? I gasped. With who 2 she slept with and what bet were they talking about?

-The cat ate your tongue Vincent? Gabriel went on sarcastically

-Guess, pretending to be the good guy didn’t do any good hm? What the hell Gabriel was talking about? Vincent wasn’t pretending to be the good guy. He was.

-Okay shut up okay? I knew Cassie was stupid enough to trust you and sleep with you but Monica? Guess she’s stupid too. I was going easy on her damn it! He swore.


-Well I slept with both Cassie and Monica drunken or not, so therefore I won the bet. I froze. Those two had bet on us! On who would sleep with us first! And both Cassie and I had been fool enough to slept with Gabriel. And Vincent?

-What? I stepped out and both of them titled their heads to me. I wasn’t crying. That would be pathetic and thank God I didn’t fall in love with Vincent and I was still on the i-like-you part. But I do felt betrayed. Betrayed and furious.

-Oh. Crap. Vincent whispered as a hurried to him ingoring a chuckling Gabriel. He was a jerk and I knew the sex meant nothing to him and so did Cassie, he wasn’t pretending like Vincent!

-I can explain… He started

-You f*cking asshole! At least Gabriel had the balls to admit to both me and Cassie that the sex meant nothing but you! You fooled me! You were pretending to be the good one just to have sex with me to win the stupid bet! I yelled at him. Gabriel burst into laugher

-Look at least I was going easy on you but seems like you are the easy one. I slapped him. I was furious and he made me more furious.

-I don’t recall sleeping with you, you f*cking bastard!! I shouted

-Because I was going easy on you! I guess I should have suggested going out and get you drunk. That’s why she slept with you. He said pointing an accusing finger to Gabriel

-That’s none of your business! Oh and guess what! Gabriel is a way more good kisser than you are! I blurred at him. Well, it wasn’t in my favor that I admit that in front of Gabriel but right now I was so furious with Vincent that I didn’t care.

-Hey it’s okay relax. Gabriel said but I ignored him.

-I wont leave it like that. I will take revenge on both of you. He warned his eyes on Gabriel. Then his eyes met mine

-You and Cassie just showed him how easy you both are. He told me. I tried to move to punch him or hit him or something, but I felt arms around my waist pulling me back. Vincent turned and finally left

-Let go off me! I shouted at Gabriel who did let me go

-Hey relax it’s- Hey tell me you weren’t in love with him or something like that? He asked. I shook my head no. Thank God I wasn’t.

-But you liked him? I nodded yes this time

-Sorry. Told you he’s worse than me. The bet was-

-I don’t wanna hear ok? Just leave me alone. I told him as I sat down on the sits of the gym. I wasn’t in love with Vincent but I did like him. We had fun together and now… He was a liar. All the kisses the talking the fun was all fake. I blow out a breath and covered my face with my hands trying to relax.

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