Chapter 37

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 I knocked the door with my fist angrily. It was time for things to be over, for Gabriel to stay the hell out of my life. He opened the door and he didn’t seemed surprised to see me. Without waiting I got in and he closed the door behind me then turn to face me

-What the hell is wrong with you? I screamed at him

-What do you want? He snapped his voice icy cold

-What I want? To stay out of my life that what I want Gabriel! You fucked me, played me all over again, you don’t give a damn about me and when I’m getting back with Derek you do everything you can to piss me off! I shouted, feeling angry tears coming to my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall

-That’s who I am Monica. Get over it. He said turning his back to me. Oh no, he wasn’t getting away so easy.

-That’s who you are? You called me a slut! I shouted. At that he turned to face me, his green eyes dark. 

-Was I wron- Before he even finished I smacked him in his cheek. Like hard. His face titl and he touched his cheek lightly. His eyes locked with mine

-You freaking punched a wall- But before I could finished he slammed his hand against the wall beside me again, making me flinched. Again. I sucked in breath

-Why don’t you fucking get it? He screamed in my face, putting his hands on my shoulders

-What I don’t get Gabriel? Since I got back with Derek you do everything you can to destroy it, destroy us! I shouted

-Because I fucking want you Monica! Because he shouldn’t be the one who has you, I should be! I stood there frozen, starring into his green eyes. What he had just said? What…what was that?

-What? I managed to say. He let out a relieved breath, his grip on my shoulders loosened

-What have you done to me? He replied. His hand reach my cheek and caress it while I was still…Well frozen.

-I like you. I hate it when he makes you smile, when he kisses you, when he makes you laugh because…Because I wanna be the one who will do all of that. I’m…Jealous of him Monica. I’m jealous because…Because he has you and I don’t. He swallowed and then look at me. I, on the other hand, was pretty much speechless. I didn’t knew what to say or even think. I was to numb from all these.

-I think…Damn I thing I might be even in love with you. Everything you do..Everything drives me insane. Watching Derek have you, is driving me insane. I want you Monica. And then he crushed his lips on mine, not giving me time to progress things. And before I knew what iu was doing, my hands were tangled  in his thick hair, my heart pounding hard against my ribs and I realized that…I didn’t felt like that when Derek was kissing me. My heart was only doing small jolts but when Gabriel was kissing me i felt like my heart was gonna break.

 He throw me in his bed and hovered above me. I hasty took of his shirt and one by one our clothes were shuttered on the floor

 He started kissing my lips then my temple, my neck and my belly and then back up all the way. I pulle my fingers in his hair bringing his face closer to mine as I felt him pushing in inside me. I let out a moan upon our kiss and I felt him smiling. He pulled back and kissed my neck, his thrust becoming faster making it hard for me to even breath. I moaned all over again forgetting everything about Derek. Maybe he wasn’t the right choice after all.

 He collapsed beside me as soon as we finished and was breathing heavily but smiling

-Damn. He said

-What? I asked him

-That was awesome sex. He said smirking

-Idiot. I chuckled as he brought me to his chest. I relaxed and focus in his heartbeat

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