Chapter 13

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 When I woke up, I curled up in the- Wait. I wasn’t in the sand anymore. Or at least part of me wasn’t since my head was up to something flat and harsh with a steady sound right above it. Like a beating heart.

 Heart. Wait a freaking moment. I slowly opened my eyes since I had them still half-closed and slowly sat up.

 To realize that what my head was touching was Gabriel’s chest.  I glanced down. His hand was on my waist as he was still asleep. My heart skipped a beat and I glanced around. None of the others has woken up thank God and lucky or me not even Gabriel because if he saw me here, with my head on his chest and-

 His eyes fluttered a little just right before he opened them. I stayed still looking at him without talking

-What happened? He asked confused. Damn. Even like that he was still hot in a very wrong way. His hair was a mess and just made me wanna run my hand through them. He was shirtless and his body was full of abs. But I wasn’t so lucky since he realized what had happened

-You slept on me didn’t you? He asks me arching his brows and to my utter surprise felt my cheeks burning

-I.. did not. I said. He was still staring at me

-I just…came a little bit closer that’s all. And now if you excuse I’m going in there. I said gesturing to the sea as I rose to my feet, and start stripping don my clothes. Big mistake

-You can keep taking them off you know. I can help you as well. He said as he got up

-No thank you. I replied bitterly taking off my shirt. When I did he was standing in front of me, so close that I actually would fall down if he hadn’t held me. By my waist, bringing me closer to his body

-Clumsy I see. I like it. He winked at me as I break free from his ‘’hug’’ My head was still aching from last night and this dude over here was just getting on my nerves. I had to get away from him until Cassie woke up and then we would leave. 

 I ignored him not even thanking him –something so unlike me- and headed to the sea. 

 Once my tip toes touched the cold water I shivered.

-I have a better idea you know. Of course it requires to be fearless. I turned to a smirking, shirtless Gabriel right behind me

-For God’s sake I just want to swim! I complained annoyed. Would he ever leave me alone? It wasn’t like I was his girlfriend to follow me everywhere

-Come on. Don’t you wanna have fun? He asks, smiling

-Define ‘fun’’. He gestures me over some high rocks with his finger

-Wanna jump from there? I took the view in. The rocks were high but above them was the sea. I always wanted to do something reckless and dangerous like that and now I actually have the chance. I turned to him who by now had a full tempting smile on his lips. I was pretty sure the bastard would thought I would get scared

-Lead the way. I said smiling

 He did lead the way until we reached the top of the rocks.

As soon as we were there, I walked to the edge and stare down. It seem kind of scary now but there was no going back now, especially with Gabriel here.

-Scared already? He asks, coming beside me

-No. You? As a reply he chuckles.

-Together? He suggest taking my hand in his. I stare at his emerald eyes thinking of his suggestion, but I didn’t have time to really progress it. 

Why  Good Girls Likes Bad Boys?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora