Chapter 21

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 So after the introduction part with me, Cassie and Gregory, after Gregory show us their huge house (5 bedrooms, one pool room, one pool outside, 2 bathrooms) while Gabriel was making out with Chloe, we cant of split, because Miranda, Cassie and Samantha went straight to the pool, while me, Briana and Victoria stayed out with Gregory.

-So..How come Gabriel have never mentioned you? I ask him as the four of us sit in the couch inside the house.

-Besides the fact that he is a jerk? He asked furrowing his browns. I blinked in surprise. Maybe Gregory was the good twin after all!

-Yep I already know that. It was his turn to blink

-Whoa. I thought you were one of those girls who has a hopeless crush on him. He told me

-She hates him. Victoria said before I did and I smiled at her.

-Anyway, he didn’t told you about me, because I’m not here all the time. I go to college in Greece, so I’m not always around since I stay there. But now I’m here because we have a 2 week break. He explained. I almost jump on my feet

-Greece? Are you kidding? I always wanted to go! I complained making both him and the girls laugh at my childish behavior.

-You might-

-Aren’t you guys gonna come to the pool? A wet and hot Gabriel asked, coming toward us. I swallowed and avoided eye contact. There was no way to go for-

-Ah! I screamed a little, as he lift me and put me over his shoulder walking outside like he was carrying nothing. Oh well..Shit.

-Don’t. You. Dare! I said while I was kicking the air but was hitting his back with my fists. Of course it did nothing to him.

-You just said the magic word baby girl. And the next thing I knew was tha I was flying in the air until a splah and I was into the pool. Ugh!! Thankfully I at least have take off my clothes but still!! Ugh!!

 Okay two can play Gabriel. Two can play. I hold my breathe and refused to go to the surface. When I was younger I had take swimming lessons, so I was good at holding my breath.

 Not even two seconds passed, and he jumped in as well. When he saw me underwater he rolled his eyes. I made my way to the surface but he grad my leg and pulled me back inside his hands on my waist…Hm..Now why is that sounds like a de ja vu? Oh yeah..The bonfire

 I was so lost in thought, that I had no time to react once his lips met mine. Only this time I pulled back fast and swam to the surface. Of course he did the same.

-You scared me down there. He said with a half smile as his black hair were falling into his eyes. Hm..Hm..An evil smile appeared on my face. I swam closer to him and lifted my hand to his face pushing his hair back. Yeah I was intending only to do that, until I kind of lost my balance due to the water and my chest barely touched his. Yeah…

-Oh men..He whispered backing off a little. I furrowed my brows playing it innocent

-Is something wrong? I stepped closer. He rolled his eyes at me.

-I’m gonna get a drink. He said and before I could say anything he was out of the pool heading to the bar. I burst into laugher once he left.

 I got out as well glancing around. Vincent wasn’t here. Hm..Where was- and then I felt someone’s arm circling around me and I turned to face a smiling Vincent.

-Hey sexy. He greeted. I turned a little to make sure Gabriel was watching and when I saw him looking I tip toed and kissed Vincent

-Yeah… Kind of have bad news. He announced. I pulled back so I could look at him

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