Chapter 17

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  Well the next 2 hours was a living Hell but then we had Literature and our teacher left us the last 15 minutes due to an appointment he had. I was so so sad.

 I jumbled over to my desk and sat there, with my legs on the chair, a smiling Vins in front of me

-Having fun up there? He teased as he was still sitting on the chair.

-Yeah, come up here. I told him, moving a little to leave him some space, which of course he used.

-See? It’s better up here. I said playfully

-Actually is better wherever you are. He pinned my nose and a giggle escaped my throat. Wasn’t the only one though.

 Another giggle echoed in the room. And when I found it’s source I wasn’t surprised. But when I found the source of the source for that giggle, my eyes were burning holes in his head.

 Chloe was currently giggling, sitting in Gabriel’s lap and he had his hand on her waist.

-Excuse me for a tiny tiny second. I said to Vincent and before I could hear his answer, I was on my feet, walking toward the happy couple. Which would end up dead.

-Hey there. Can I have a word with lover boy here? I said sarcastically. Gabriel chuckled but tried not to show it. Chloe on the other hand gave me a ‘’go-away’’ look. Which I ignored.

-No, you can’t. She went on. I rolled my eyes

-Then I should talk to him here. Look buddy, why the heck did you kis- Within minutes, he was down covering my mouth with his hand

-It will take only a minute. He promised Chloe and start shoving me to the door, while I was holding back a laugher. When Vins saw us walking out of the class, he tensed but I told him it was okay, gesturing with my hand.

 When we were out, I couldn’t help myself and actually laughed.

-Oh God stop it. Gabriel protested and I stop but I was still smiling a little.

-Men your reaction was beyond funny. You should have seen your face. He rolled his eyes at that.

-What do you want Monica? I grew serious again, remembering why I was here. The jerk had kissed Chloe while minutes ago, he told Cassie to go out

-To kill you! What the hell was that? I demanded

-Jealous again? He smirked at me taking my hands and bringing me closer to him, so that our chest were inches apart.

-Murderous actually. I warned you fucking ba- He crushed his lips on mine but this time, I pushed him back

-Stop kissing me! I exclaimed

-Next thing is bed sweetheart. And it will be hardcore because you damn want me. He said winking and I actually felt my heart making a little jolt at his words. No I won’t let it happen. I thought to myself

-I will damn kill you. I warned but he smiled again

-In bed? You sure will girl. You know, wild under the covers and all.

-You f*cking date my sister! I screamed at his face furious. How can this guy turn everything I said into me and him, dirty things including?

-Date? Damn it woman, I don’t date. I only have fun or hook up, call it whatever you want. He said throwing his hands in the air.

-If you wanna hook up and have fun then leave Cassie or I’m gonna tear you apart! I yelled once again

-I’d love to see you try. He replied with a smirk. It wasn’t something huge but yes I did something. I kicked his knee as hard as I could. Well it might hurt more than I thought since he actually let out a groan and rubbed his knee. I smiled feeling victorious that i did managed to hurt him.

-That’s only the start. I said and turn to leave. But before I make another step, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him, smiling.

-Do not do that ever again. He warned, but he was smiling

-Or? I challenged

-Better be careful with me Monica. I like when girls are tough. He said leaning a bit closer.

-Am not afraid of you in any way buddy. I replied

-You should be. He leaned even closer now, and the stupid, sick part of myself, closed it’s eyes and wait for his kiss. Which never come, although I felt his lips barely touching mine.

-Gabriel! Chloe exclaimed making him pulled back. That’s why the kiss never came. I shook my head, ordering my self to calm down and go back to reality.

-I knew you would be a problem. She hissed at me, glaring between us

-I’m the problem? Dude he’s not in love with you he wanna hook up with you and have fun. I declare to her, trying to pull some sense into her pretty little head, but of course she wasn’t listening to me.

-It’s none of your business. She went on, coming closer to me

-Catfight. I love catfights especially when I’m the award. I turned to him furious, my eyes shooting sparks.

-If you are the award then I’m so not taking part in this catfight. The bell rang, and I smiled bitterly.

-So, accept that I don’t want you and go to her, I paused waving to Chloe, and every other poor girl. Besides, I want a real man, not a jerk. And with those last word I turned my back to him and Chloe and walked away with a smile of victory on my face.

-What happened? Briana asked me as soon as I reached the table they were all sitting

-Nothing. My sister furrowed her brows at me

-I swear. I protested. She shrugged and return on her fries.

-Oh Cassie? Later I will go for coffee with Vins by the way. She nodded

-And I will too, with Gabriel. I had to bit my tongue to not tell her what happened just minutes ago. The fact that everyone in the table except Briana and Cassie was staring at me wide eyes helped a little

-You’re…with Vincent? Miranda asked slowly.

-Together? No, no we’re just hanging out. I reassured them

-Be careful with him, he’s not as good as he looks. Samantha warned me

-I got it, it’s okay. No one ever hurts me. I smiled proudly mostly to myself. As the bell rang, we all parted to go each to our classroom but the only think I could think about right now, was the almost kiss with Gabriel again. I promised myself to not let this happen again. I also promised to be really careful with Vincent later, but I also knew I would have fun.

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