Chapter 20

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 I spent the rest of the day thinking about the sin I made because Gabriel beside’s being a jerk he had this something with my sister and not only I let him touch me in a way only guy had –my ex, Derek- but I also enjoyed it and found myself thinking about it, even after it was done. I also spent the rest of the day ignoring him, although I could feel his eyes on me and I could also see him smiling with a cocky grin whenever he had caught me staring. Ugh he was a total idiot.

Once our lessons finished, I said to Briana that we’ll talk later and headed to my dorm. Once in I found Cassie fixing her wet hair. Once she saw me she smiled at me.

-Miss me? She asked

-Did you slept with him? I asked immediately. She was taken aback and blink as she heard my question. Oh God please tell me that she didn’t.

-I..Well hello to you too. She said rolling her eyes at me.

-Please tell me that you didn’t. She didn’t reply, and that was my answer. I snapped

-Cass, seriously? You know him! Now he’ll say that was nothing and move on with the next, idiot girl he want to hook up with and you’ll end in with a broken heart and-

-I’m not an idiot okay? And who are you to tell me what to do or not hm? And who the hell tells you I didn’t knew all of this yet agreed on hook up with him! She yelled angrily at me making me jump a little.

-You knew?

-Of course! I knew it would only be a hook up you idiot! He’s not the type for relationship and I knew that! I like him but I don’t love him Monica so the hook up was fine! And guess what, I enjoyed it! She went on as I exhaled deeply.

Cassie was never the good sweet girl but hooking up with a guy knowing that he was a womanizer was something I didn’t expect her to do.

-Stop looking at me like that Monica! I’ll do what I want with whoever I want got that? An not everyone falls in love with the first sight nor everyone is fucking Derek okay? She went on. Now I was frozen in place. I wasn’t prepare to hear his name nor hearing her using that to me.

-Right. Because Gabriel loves you? Oh please the only person he loves is himself. I spat angrily at her

-He’s exactly like Derek. I went on

-No. And you know what? Gabriel was clear to me that we wont be exclusive and he don’t want a relationship, he gave me the chance to back down but I didn’t. But Derek messed with you. He used you and then betrayed you with your best friend pretending to be the good guy when in reality he was just a jerk who made you afraid of feeling something for any other guy and-

-Stop! I screamed at her, my eyes burning with tears. She was right and I hated it when she was right and right now, she was. At least Gabriel didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t. Every girl who hooked up with him, probably knew she wasn’t the one although I was sure some of them, did hoped that.

 She chewed her lower lip, probably knowing that she went too far but said nothing. Instead she stood up, took her back and headed outside of the dorm

 Great. Now expect the thing that happened between me and Gabriel I also had fight with Cassie. How perfect. I groaned in frustration and laid on my bed.

 Yeah and in 2 days was Gabriel’s party. Ugh did I mention how I hated my life?

 The next 2 days went by awfully quiet. I kept ignoring Gabriel but he wasn’t. He was talking to me, teasing me, playing with my hair but I did ignored him. Thankfully on Thursday Cassie talked to me and as always we went back to talking with each other and being funny, not mentioning any of our fight. To my surprise, she and Gabriel was still talking even flirting or making out. Hm.

 Finally it was Friday afternoon and Cassie was getting ready for Gabriel’s party while at the same time she was trying to convince me to go.

-Oh come on Monica! It’ll be fun. She said putting her jean short and pink top, above her red bikini. I shook my head no.

-Come onnnn. She said

-If I come will you stop acting like a baby? I teased her smiling.

-Yep. I shook my head but I did get up thinking that if I didn’t go, Gabriel will had me for a coward because of the incident between us, and I didn’t like to be or look like a coward.

 So I start dressing up. I wore my black bikini and a jean short the same Cassie was wearing with a white top. Yep we definetelly looked alike now. She smiled at me once she saw me

-Oh sister we’re looking damn hot. She said making me laugh.

 Gabriel had told us his address but first we met with the girls. For some reason everyone was wearing jean shorts and tops in different color. When they saw my face they laughed

-What? Isn’t it cool? Victoria asked me laughing

-It is but…I trailed off

-Oh men you should have seen your face. Miranda said

-It was my idea, to dress up all of us like that. Cassie said. I laughed as well at that, and giggling with our girlish laughs, we headed to Gabriel’s house.

 Who knew? Maybe tonight was fun just like it turned out to be in the bonfire party.

 Once we reached his home, a lot of other cars where park. We found a place and parked and as soon as the car was ready we all stepped out, and walked to the main entrance. And allow me to say, the house was huge! Like literally huge! It wasn’t an apartment, it was a freaking villa!

-Go on and knock! Briana encouraged me as I was the first one to walk on the porch. I rolled my eyes but did knocked. It didn’t took him long to open up.

 Gabriel was dressed in a tight grey t-shirt with a ripped jean only…Something wasn’t right. Somehow the dude had make his black hair…Thicker and a little…curlier? What the…

-Hey Gabriel. I greeted still confused. He chuckled a little and gave me a small kind smile. Gabriel smiled kindly to me?

-Um…No,no. You must mistaken me with my twin brother. I’m not Gabriel. My name is Gregory. He offered me his hand, but I stood there frozen in place.

-Gabriel has a twin? Cassie asked as she looked as shocked and puzzled as I was

-Oh Gregory. It’s nice seeing you. Samantha greeted. So the girls knew. Ok why had Gabriel never mentioned he had a twin? It’s not like it was a tiny simple thing having a twin brother!

-Hey. Samantha, Victoria, Miranda and Briana. He gretted each one of them smiling. Oh gosh… He was looking so alike with Gabriel. Almost same height, maybe Gregory was a little shorter, the same black hair only that Gregory’s was curlier and I just noticed, the same green eyes. Oh no. Gregory’s was a little but lighter.

-It’s rude to stare like that. A new voice whispered to my ear and I turned to come face to face with a shirtless Gabriel.

-Don’t be mean. You probably haven’t told her about having a twin didn’t you? Gregory guessed making me turn to him. It was like watching Gabriel again. Oh men…

One Gabriel was enough trouble, I really didn’t wanted to know how much trouble two ‘’Gabriels’’ would be. Unless one of them was the good twin while the other was the evil one. Hm… Gabriel was definitely the evil twin. Or they were both evil twin.

Guess I just had to wait and see.

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