Chapter 30:

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When Derek knocked the door, I took a deep breath before open it

-Hey. I said smiling, and making a small space for him to get in

-Hey. He greeted as he got in. I sat on the bed and waved for him to sit beside me which he did. Awkward silence followed and men was I hated this kind of silence. 

-So..Are you better? He asked knowing I hated awkward silences. 

-A lot. I can walk but it still hurts a little. I replied. I slowly lifted my eyes to his, and to my surprise he was already looking right back at me. Talking about begging awkward and all

-You did fall asleep in my arms by the way. I laughed a little a that

-Didn’t meant too but I was tired. I replied with a shrug in which he chuckled. Men it was really weird being in the same room alone with him after all that

-No prob. Are we still fine? He asked

-Yeah it’s just..

-Weird? He filled in for me his brow up

-Yeah. I agreed nodding my head. Then silence. Again. Gosh I hated silence. I wanted to know so much things but how am I supposed to asked him? Ugh screw this

-Derek? I started making his hazel brown eyes meet mine.

-I just wanna know something…Why? There was no need to explain to him what I meant. Keira. Why the heck had he done whatever he had done with my best friend in my very own house.

-I don’t really know…He said avoiding to look at me for a while, hesitating to look at me was the right thing to say. He exhaled deeply, and then his hand cupped mine. I sucked in breathe. His move was so sudden, it made me froze for a few seconds before my eyes found his again

-No. I know. Because I was stupid enough to let you go. He said while he took a deep breath again. And to my surprise…I was believing him. I could see it in his eyes, he wasn’t lying. He was indeed sorry he had let me go as he stated.

-With Keira…It was a mistake. I regret the moment I saw you looking at us…Seeing the look of betrayal in your bright eyes. You weren’t looking at me like you loved me anymore, you were looking at me as if I was a stranger. The way you were looking at me yesterday and..Now. He shut his eyes then opened them again

-With Keira it was just curiosity or..That I just had a moment or something. I haven’t spoken to her ever since. And I acted like a jerk. I didn’t just destroy us, but your friendship as well. 

-Derek..It wasn’t just your fault. Keira…Wanted you. She must have for a long time. I said with a shrug and to a move that even surprised me, I put my free hand above his. He smiled looking down at our joined hands.

-I just want you to forgive me. It hurt me when I lost you and the blame is all on me. His eyes found mine once again and I couldn’t help but stare back at him

-You were my everything…He whispered that leaning closer, closer and closer, closing the distance between us. I stayed still, my heart beating faster

-I think you still are…He went on. He closed his eyes again. Our faces were inches apart. Before I know what I was doing I closed my eyes as well. His lips brushed mine seconds before we both jump and drew apart from each other as the door opened, revealing a jaw-dropped Cassie starring at us.

 Derek drew back and let go of my hands, rising to his feet.

-I should go. He stated in which I nodded. Oh my God once he was out my sister shot me a death glare and once the door clicked closed, the explosion started

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