Chapter 1

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He smiles and raidiates joy whenever and wherever he goes. He adores cats, and will do anything for a single bite of pasta (not from england). He runs from a fight and to the world is known as a coward , but in ____'s eyes you see a great artistic boy who just wants to have fun.

" DUDE! ____ are ya in there?!"

My friend America is waving a gloved hand infront of your face wildely. I snap back to reality and realise all the countries were staring at me, I must have looked like a deer on headlights.

I had no idea what the heck was going on....


"____ are you ok, you are not acting like yourself?" Japan asked worried.

You wanted to tell him that you were fine but you kept your mouth shut as England and France started to argue over wether or not you were doing well. Seriously they fight over anything. Their voices soon faded as I lose myself in another day dream. 

The meeting ended as it always does, with nothing acomplished and more problems created than solved. I decided to walk home to let my mind wander and relax. I thought it was such a peaceful day as I pass by the fimiliar land marks.

Pass a grand fountain I can see the estate blocked from civilization by the natural forest surrounding it. Nature craddels me in a ignored beauty and lulls me to sleep many nights.

In the estate, it is very large ,as I have had many people tell me in awe, and covered in lovely murals all painted by me. Art has always been my salvation to conceal myself in the colors of my years on the map. Reds, golds, green, and blue mask the once plain walls. I only bought the place to be by the one that fills my dreams and life with light ,Italy. He lives right across from me , basicaly in walking distance, but he never noticed since he always sleeps at his ally Germany's house. It still hurts to know that I can never get the nerv to talk to him after all these centuries, as much as I love this man I can never find the courage to walk over to his house. It frustrates me so much.

Its the way he looked at me.The way his eyes burnt holes in my soul. The way he can make me melt so easily shocks me. All because two pairs of pure amber suns filled with curiosity happened to fall on mine that one horrid day. The only day I have ever seen his eyes.

Hetalia (Italy x Reader) a not so simple beginningWhere stories live. Discover now