chapter five

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We all run into the hospital with tears of joy. I may not be the fastest on the team, but right now I am.

I get to his room and burst through the door. The boys pile themselves against in, and I run to his bed. He looks up and we make eye content. "Lex!" "Sam's!" We scream at the same time. I hug him and he hugs me back. I start crying and he laughs. "I that I was gonna loose you! Don't leave me!" I say crying even more. "I'm here now! Im fine!" He says smiling. I punch his shoulder. "Don't scare me like that!" I yell. I hear some of the boys outside laugh, so I walk over to the door.

I open it, and they all walk in. They stand around his bed l, but I lay down next to him. Dad comes in, and the boys start snickering. "Why are y'all laughing?" Dad asks. "Your daughter yelled at Sam." Jake says and I smile. "She also punched me in the shoulder!" Sam says. I nod my head in agreement and humm in response. Everyone laughs again, and then I snuggle into Sam's side.

Then the doc comes in. "Oh my, how did you all get up here? This is an ICU." He says. "Well there my teammates, coach, and this is my sister." He says pointing towards me at the end. "All of you out except you Ma'am. You can stay in here. The rest of you, please go into the waiting area. Where are your parents?" He asks shooing the boys out. "Right here!" Susan says joining us. "Okay, we are moving him to a regular room today, but he will not be returning to soccer for a good year. He'll be here in the hospital for about another month, but then we will hopefully be able to release him." The doc says and I grab Sam's hand. He laces our fingers and his mom starts crying. I feel his breath stutter so I pull him closer. "I'll keep you updated on games, plays, and I'll coach John. I'll make your room like home. We can watch She's The Man twenty million times like we used to!" I say and he smiles. "I can't wait!" He says with a hint of a frown. I run my fingers over his palm, like he did when I was the one in the hospital.

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