Chapter fourteen

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I walk in all black to the spot where we will lay dad. I have roses and his coaching shirt. The boys wanted to carry his casket, so there in front of me.

They put him in the hole, and the rest of us walk to the chairs. I sit in the front row, and the boys sit with me. Sam sits next to me, and wraps his arm around me. I don't even move, and the pastor guy walks up to the stand thing.
"Let's have a moment of silence for David Johnson." He says. We all now our heads, and all you can hear is our crying.

"Thank you. Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us for this moment. David was more than a man. A father, a son, a husband, a best friend, a teacher that changed many lives, and a coach that brought the team to the championship four years in a row. David was an amazing man, that will be deeply missed. I believe, Ms. Alexandria has something to say." He says. I nod then get up and Sam squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"My dad was always a wonderful man. I know, what a lamb way to start out. Forgive me, I never really thought I would have to speak at my dads funeral. My dad was my best friend. After my mom died, he was there for me every step of the way. I know it was hard for him, having to raid a girl all by himself, but he did better then anyone would have expected. I learned everything from my father. All the way from how to kick a soccer ball, to the anatomy of a pig. Dad was my teacher in and out of school. He was also my coach, in and out of soccer. I don't know what I'm going to do with out of him. I'm gonna miss him. Thanks for being such an awesome dad, dad." I say then put the shirt on top of his coffin. I grab a handful of dirt, and put on top.

Sam hugs me and kisses me cheek, then walks up also. "Coach was more than a coach to me. He was a coach, best friend, teacher, brother, and another dad all in one. I have known him since I was two. He's always been there for me. Whenever I needed to be dropped off from or picked up for soccer, he was there at a movements notice. He will be missed." He says then puts a soccer ball with him and a handful of dirt.

He sits back down and I hug him. Principal Henry walks up next. "David Johnson, was one of the best teachers I ever had the pleasure of working with. He would show up an hour early, and leave three or four hours later than normal. He would volunteer for anything and everything. Wether it be to coach our boys on the soccer field, or even drive them and our cheerleaders to the games. Mr. Johnson was always there when I or anyone else needed something. Heck, he died doing a favor for me. I will always regret asking him to go get the pizza for our teacher recognition day. Sheril county will never be the same! Lets give our fallen teacher one last WildCat hooray." He says and the tears fall harder. They play the sound and we cheer. "Go big red!" We yell and I fall into Jes.

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