chapter eleven

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We stand on the field watching the new guy Brandon try out. He moved here from England. He is so hot and has the cutiest accent! He's good at forward but better at mid. He walks over to us, and dad comes up. "Okay guys, this is Brandon Mikeals. Brandon, you did great out there. You are good at forward and midfield, but I think were gonna keep you in mid." Dad says and he throws his hands up. "What?! I play forward!" He yells. "I want you in mid! Take it or leave it!" Dad says and he sighs then mutters a fine. Someone nudges me in the rib, and I see that it is Jason. "Watch it, your drooling!" He says. I slap his chest, but blush at the same time.

"Alright guys! Practice time! Brandon, you can go hit the showers, or stay if you want." Dad says. "I'll stay for practice!" He says trying to be impressive. All the boys roll there eyes and I walk over to dad. "Can I coach practice today?" I ask and he smiles. "Yes, just don't break the new much." He says and I laugh. "I've got to go grade some tests. It's 4:30, so practice till six." He says and I nod. I wait for him to go to the school until I take my long sleeve shirt off. Its to hot for that, so I'll just wear my sportsbra. "Alright Magots, I'm the commander no! Drop down and gibe me twenty!" I say and they laugh. "Make that twenty-five!" I say so they fall to do them. I do mine and finish last. "Now, four laps! Let's go!" I say and take off running. "Why is your coaching beating you?!" I yell and we all run faster.

Once were on the third lap, the only one in line with me is Brandon. "I'm surprised your in a bra, aren't you scared all these boys would be looking at your chest?" He asks and I laugh. "I've know each of these boys since before the season started! The only one I don't know is you! They can look all they want, but they won't. They know that it won't get them anywhere. Plus there all basically brothers to me!" I say pushing it harder as we reach the dugout.

I grab my water bottle and start drinking from it. He looks at me, then sees the few scars on my stomach. "What are those?" He asks. "Nothing!" I say walking to mid field with the bag of balls. The boys see me storm off, then they start talking to him.

I call them over and tell them were doing a scrimmage. "Sam and I are captains! Sam, you can go first!" I say and he nods. "Brandon!" He calls out, and I look at him thankfully. Here's the layout.

I have: David, john, mason, Tyler, nik, Elijah. Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, and Ric.
He has: Brandon, Hayden, DJ, mikheal, Luke, Gustavo, Jo, Ben, Gabe, and Jake.

We get in our positions with me in the goal and him in the goal. Brandon gets pass each of my boys, and takes a shot on me. It hits me in the face, and I feel blood. "Well, nuts!" I say whiling it and seeing my hand now completely red. "Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" He says and I laugh. "Two laps! One, for hitting me. Two, for thinking I'm weak!" I say and he runs. We continue playing, and my team wins by 1-2.

I put my shirt on, and dad comes down. "Alex hun, I know you aren't weak, but you need to go to the hospital!" He says and I groan. "Fine!"

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